FJPPL-FKPPL Workshop on ATF2 Accelerator R&D

Room 166 in building 200 (Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire)

Room 166 in building 200

Laboratoire de l'Accélérateur Linéaire

Campus Universitaire Université Paris-Sud 11 91898 Orsay Cedex France
Research on the Accelerator Test Facility 2 at KEK (Japan) is conducted at LAL (Orsay), LLR (Palaiseau) and LAPP (Annecy) in the context of the FJPPL "Toshiko Yuasa" and FKPPL Associated International Laboratories, in close collaboration with several Asian, European and American partners. This workshop will review recent activity, progress and plans towards the two main goals of ATF2: Goal 1 (establish and maintain a 37 nm vertical beam size at the interaction point) and Goal 2 (stabilise the beam spot at the interaction point with a 1-2 nm precision using feedback). In addition, an interim review will be organised for several future projects planned to start in 2012 and beyond, covering both their scientific objectives and technical discussions.
LAL Meeting Web Page for registration and practical information
Webex for Monday
Webex for Tuesday