Summary of KNU-KEK collaboration meeting, 17-18 March 2008

My personal summary related to ATF2, i.e. (1) and (3), is listed below;

S-band BPMs

  1. KNU will produce 5 s-band BPMs by end of June. Major schedule driver is the delivery of feed-thrus by Japanese company. One graduate student ( A.Heo, M2) and a post-doc ( W.Jeong) are/will be working on BPMs at KNU. W. Jeong will work from July. S.Shin will be a post-doc at FNAL ( Manfred Wendt) for one year.
  2. KNU will produce a s-band reference cavity.
  3. KEK will prepare LO.
  4. The downmix boxes ( electronics) can be put on the LAPP table.
  5. BPM should not be attached to QD0 and QF1 since the weight of about 20kg is too heavy.
  6. All the support must be from T-plates on FFTB movers.
  7. The support system will be designed and fabricated by LAPP. However, KNU must contribute to the design, i.e. 3D CAD drawings and the cold model should be sent to LAPP. KNU asked KEK for sending examples of support system such as ones for DR-BPMs. We propose to have a Webex meeting on this issues with KNU, LAPP, SLAC and KEK.
  8. KEK asked KNU for making reference planes on the BPMs for alignment with accuracy of less than 30um.
  9. The electrical center of BPMs should be measured with the KEK antenna device in order to verify its consistency to the mechanical center, therefore we can rely on the reference planes with mechanical accuracy. KEK will ask Inoue-san for the possibility.

Emittance in DR

  1. BBA has been done at DR by SLAC. KEK asked SLAC for sending results. Also, we will ask Kubo-san for simulation including the results. He may propose BBA/BPM studies in April run.
  2. Philip asked for logging histories of orbit data for long term stability and reproducibility.
  3. LAL/Daresbury group will come to KEK in May for the emittance studies.
  4. KNU will contribute Pi-bump study.
  5. Since Kubo-san has investigate the DR beam line model with simulation, we should share his model to improve it and understand the DR. So, we, i.e. KNU, LAL, Daresbury, SLAC, CERN and KEK, should organize a meeting with him for focusing on the model development.