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ILC-related Presentations Given at non-ILC Specific Events

The Global Design Effort for the International Linear Collider

by Dr Barry Barish (GDE)

Salle 253

Salle 253

A reference design and costing for a 500 GeV electron-positron linear collider based on superconducting radio frequency acceleration (ILC) was produced by the Global Design Effort(GDE) in 2007. That design and the risk mitigating R&D toward a technical design are being evolving with a goal of developing a technical design report and implementation plan at the end of 2012. The ILC TDR, CLIC feasibility tests and early LHC physics results are all necessary elements for deciding the next generation major project for high energy physics. The status and prospects for the ILC will be presented.
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Presented at ICHEP 2010 - Included in session: 14 - Future Machines and Projects