15–17 Nov 2010
University of Oregon
US/Pacific timezone


Session 2

15 Nov 2010, 11:00
Maple Room (University of Oregon)

Maple Room

University of Oregon

Boulevard Grill 2123 Franklin Blvd Eugene, OR

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Prof. Andy White (University of Texas at Arlington)
15/11/2010, 11:00
Planning for the SiD DBD Updating contributions of SiD to the CDR
Lucie Linssen (CERN)
15/11/2010, 11:30
Prof. Harry Weerts (Argonne National Laboratory)
15/11/2010, 11:55
John Jaros (SLAC)
15/11/2010, 12:25
Building timetable...