15–17 Nov 2010
University of Oregon
US/Pacific timezone


Session 4

15 Nov 2010, 15:30
Maple Room (University of Oregon)

Maple Room

University of Oregon

Boulevard Grill 2123 Franklin Blvd Eugene, OR

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Usha Mallik (Physics and Astronomy Department-University of Iowa)
15/11/2010, 15:30
Remi Zaidan (Physics and Astronomy Department-University of Iowa)
15/11/2010, 15:55
Dr Timothy Barklow (SLAC)
15/11/2010, 16:40
including milestones and timelines
Peter Speckmayer (CERN)
15/11/2010, 17:05
Satish Dhawan (Yale)
15/11/2010, 17:30
Building timetable...