27–31 May 2013
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

The performance of the Physics Prototype of the CALICE ScWECAL for ILD

29 May 2013, 09:20
SemRm 4 (DESY Hamburg)

SemRm 4

DESY Hamburg


Yuji SUDO (Kyushu University)


Excellent jet energy measurement is required for the future linear collider experiment. The Particle Flow method of jet reconstruction, which can achieve excellent energy measurement, requires a calorimeter with very fine granularity. We have constructed a prototype electromagnetic calorimeter (ScWECAL), consisting of scintillator strips and Multi-pixel Photon Counter as active layers and and tungsten plates as absorber. We achieve an effective granularity of almost 10x10 mm^2 by orthogonally oriented scintillator layer. We will report on the ScWECAL performance in tests using 32 GeV muon and 2-32 GeV electron beams ant MT6 of FNAL in 2009.

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