27–31 May 2013
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Beam tests performance results of the LumiCal detector module

28 May 2013, 09:45
FLASH (DESY Hamburg)


DESY Hamburg


Itamar Levy (Tel Aviv University (IL))


During 2010 and 2011 the FCAL collaboration performed three beam tests. These were the first tests of the LumiCal silicon- and the BeamCal GaAs-sensors prototypes equipped with a full readout chain. The readout chain included sensors, fan-outs, dedicated front-end electronics and, during the 2011 beam-tests, also a newly-designed 10-bit pipeline ADC was included. This talk will describe the beam tests setup and the LumiCal performance results. These include spectrum and correlation analysis in synchronous and asynchronous mode, combinations between sensor information and position-reconstruction and the development of electromagnetic showers in the Tungsten absorber.

Presentation materials