転送されたメッセージ: 差出人: "Behnke, Ties" 件名: [ild-technical-conveners] Questions on Z-running for calibration 日付: 2016年7月27日 17:09:02 JST 宛先: CC: , , Dear collegue, recently a draft note on the need and utility of running the ILC on the Z for calibration was distributed to ILD for comments. This paper will be sent to the LCC parameter sub-group in a few days, once the comments period until the end of this month has expired. In preparing the document it became clear that there are a number of areas where additional and more concrete information is needed, to really back up the document, and to fully understand this issue. We need your help to come up with solid answers to these issues. The ET therefore has prepared a list of questions which are primarily directed towards the subdetector conveners. We realise of course that answering some of these questions might take some time. We would like to finalise the answers in a new document in time for the LCWS2016 conference (December 2016). To keep this deadline we would like to ask you to give a first feedback in a special phone meeting which we will organize after the summer, probably towards the end of September. Attached please find the list of questions, and - for your reference - the Z-for-calibration-note as it was distributed to ILD for comments. With the best regards, Ties Dr. Ties Behnke DESY-FLC Tel +49 40 89984918 e-mail Ties.Behnkedesy.de