European ILC community meeting

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Meeting ID: 993 4171 8959
Passcode: 190525
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      General IDT news
      Speaker: Tatsuya Nakada (EPFL - Ecole Polytechnique Federale Lausanne (CH))
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      WG2, LCWS 2024
      Speaker: Jenny List (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE))
      • WG3:
      • LCWS & LC towards EPPSU
        • plenary program settled
        • parallel sessions in progress
        • important theme: LC input(s) to EPPSU
        • in particular: re-thinking in terms of a Global Linear Collider Facility, starting from ILC250 (or higher E in case CEPC goes ahead?)
        • working group has been set up, short title "LCvision", 2nd meeting yesterday
        • discussion session at LCWS:
          • present ideas of LCvision working group to LC community
          • and put them up for comments and discussion
          • collect feed-back for talk in closing plenary
        • write document afterwards
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      ECFA WG and WS news
      Speaker: Aidan Robson (University of Glasgow (GB))

      Third ECFA workshop in Paris: 9-11 October 2024
      Registration and abstract submission will open next week

      Physics working meetings since last round:
          Wed 17 April 5pm: WG1-GLOB TTbar threshold focus topic
          Wed/Thurs 17/18 April:  WG1-FLAV mini-workshop
          Mon 29 April 2pm: WG1-SRCH LLPs focus topic

      Polls are open for working meetings on luminosity, W mass, b/c fragmentation & gluon splitting topics.

      - Full draft ECFA report to be ready by Christmas, to allow for review before 31 March Strategy input deadline.
      - New results for inclusion should be shown at the October workshop

      Expectation that working groups will continue at some level beyond 31 March.



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      AOB and next meeting