ILC-Japan physics seminar #1: EWBG


ILCやヒッグスファクトリーの物理を主なトピックとして、ILC-Japan physics seminarをZoomにて定期開催します。初回のテーマはEWBGです。(最初にイントロとしてILC-Japanの概要を少し話します。)トークの言語は英語の予定です。日本語の質問も受け付けます。

We (as ILC-Japan physics WG) will hold a series of seminars related to physics on ILC and Higgs factories. The topic of the first seminar is EWBG. Overview of ILC-Japan physics WG will also be shown as an introduction. Talks will be given in English.

Zoom connection:
(Recently there are intruders so we avoid to put a single-click link. Sorry for the inconvenience.)

meeting ID: 840 3496 0249
passcode: 497740

    • 15:00 15:10
      Introduction and status of ILC-Japan physics WG 10m
      Speaker: Taikan Suehara (ICEPP, The University of Tokyo)
    • 15:10 16:10
      Seminar: Towards verification of electroweak baryogenesis 1h
      Speaker: Eibun Senaha (Van Lang University)