Mike Woods wrote: I think we should indicate a desire to initiate a change request, so people know it's coming. And it could either come from WWS or from the positron source group. We do need to generate a document to support the change request and we should have a small group to draft that, dividing up tasks. Document would include: i. physics case for 30% e+pol ii. technical issues with low e+pol and need to measure this accurately, requiring LTR spin rotator system and polarimeter iii. issues for train-by-train flipping; - if don't have train-by-train flipping, need relative luminosity monitoring to 1e-4 and need to think about impact on understanding polarimeter systematics iv. cost impact for adding RTL spin rotator system, with and without kickers This might actually come in 2 documents, first just from the physics side for items i.-iii. above. This physics document could be circulated to WWS, GDE, MDI Panel with a stated desire for a change request. Might be good to have WWS solicit such a document too.