5–13 Nov 2006
Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia and Fundacio Universitat Empresa
Europe/Zurich timezone
Final Plenary will begin at 2:30pm ( ATENEO - Salón de Actos )

PFA performance and Higgs study using kinematical fit

9 Nov 2006, 18:20
ADEIT - 1.1 (Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia and Fundacio Universitat Empresa)

ADEIT - 1.1

Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia and Fundacio Universitat Empresa

Valencia, Spain


Tamaki Yoshioka


There is a general consensus that Particle Flow Algorithm (PFA) derives overall ILC detector design. We studied the PFA for GLD detector using the GEANT4-based full simulator named Jupiter. In this talk, recent progress of the GLD-PFA is presented. In addition to that, some preliminary results on the Higgs study by using kinematical fit will be shown.

Presentation materials