5–13 Nov 2006
Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia and Fundacio Universitat Empresa
Europe/Zurich timezone
Final Plenary will begin at 2:30pm ( ATENEO - Salón de Actos )

Overview of the LCFI Vertex Package

9 Nov 2006, 17:15
ADEIT - 1.1 (Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia and Fundacio Universitat Empresa)

ADEIT - 1.1

Ateneo Mercantil de Valencia and Fundacio Universitat Empresa

Valencia, Spain


Dr Sonja Hillert (Oxford)


As the LCFI Vertex Package is coming close to its first release, the talk will give an overview of the capabilities of the code and of the current status of its development.

Presentation materials