Winfried Mitaroff
(Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY) - Oesterreichische Akade)
08/11/2006, 10:30
Sonja Hillert
09/11/2006, 17:15
As the LCFI Vertex Package is coming close to its first
release, the talk
will give an overview of the capabilities of the code and of
the current
status of its development.
Ben Jeffery
09/11/2006, 17:30
Detailed performance comparisons of the different parts of
the LCFI Vertex
Package, embedded into Marlin, are presented and compared to
results from
the FORTRAN version of the code
Winfried Mitaroff
(Institut fuer Hochenergiephysik (HEPHY) - Oesterreichische Akade)
09/11/2006, 17:45
Tamaki Yoshioka
09/11/2006, 18:20
There is a general consensus that Particle Flow
Algorithm (PFA) derives overall ILC
detector design.
We studied the PFA for GLD detector using
the GEANT4-based
full simulator named Jupiter. In this talk,
recent progress
of the GLD-PFA is presented. In addition to
that, some
preliminary results on the...