LCVision - Meeting with Beyond collider team


Present: Mihoko, Ivo, Michael, Roman

  • The team reported that they are regular meetings among the members. This is excellent
  • It was agreed to call the section "Beyond Collider Experiments" 
  • Space considerations 
    • Beam dump experiments clearly enrich significantly the physics programme of a LCF
      • The main physics channels are described in Mihoko's talk at the LCVision meeting and Ivo showed thoughts about the implementation of the experiments
      • The main discussion at the meeting was about allocating space for these experiments, in particular in the 2mrad crossing angle configuration
      • Remark R.P.: Note that beam dump experiments consists typically of relatively "large walls" of detectors of O(5-10m) in width 
      • In the 2mrad configuration longer distances between the actual dump and the  experimental hall might be extended, still implying a corresponding long drift volume of rather 100m than 5m (see Ivo's talk) which however  most likely will require larger caverns and also larger detector surfaces.
      • Clearly this has to be coordinated with the description of the main infrastructure. We may not find a solution in short notice but we have to show awareness and ensure that the requirements of Beyond Collider Experiments are in the books 
  • A longer discussion developed about the production of Heavy Neutral Lepton, triggered a) by the discussion in the French Strategy Symposium (I confess) and b) by the fact that this is also addressed in the BSM section. It might be good to coordinate the corresnding sections, reminding e.g. omn the different production mechanisms (single particles in "BSM case" many particles in  "Beyond Collider case"
  • We haven't discussed this morning the irradiation possibilities but this is clearly an interesting option. It would be good to understand whether these facilities can be also used to test detectors (e.g. for a tentative hadron or muon collider)
  • It was agreed to mention the possibility of radio nuclei production


  • Plots: In the overleaf file the plots are missing. Can you please add them
  • Figure legends in (some) plots: In Mihokos' talk at the LCVision meeting there are on Slide 4 plots with legends saying "ILC-250 (1 year)" and "ILC-250 (20 years)". Could one turn this somehow into luminosity? Honestly speaking "ILC-250 (20 years)" reads odd. I don't think we will run the facility for 20 years at 250 GeV (for a relatively modest gain). If it is not possible to modify the plot then we have to leave the plot
    as it is but at least we may want to be aware of this.
  • Physics: On Page 5 in Mihoko's talk there are mouth watering numbers on D, \tau and B meson production. Can one use these particles for e.g. flavour physics, i.e. rare decays? It might become difficult to measure the decay vertices but still, if only a fraction could be used for flavor physics this may allow to fill a "hole" in the LCF physics programme (and we would have it throughout the lifetime of the LCF, not just at the Z). Did anybody look at that?
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