LCVision - Meeting with SCRF expert team


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Topic: LCVision - Physics Part
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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Meeting ID: 681 6574 0245

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Meeting ID: 681 6574 0245
Passcode: 283565


Participants: Marc Wenskat, Hiroshi Sakai, Sergey Belomestnykh, Roman Poeschl, Jenny List

  • add Akira Miyazaki  to the team
  • Q0 of 2E10 for ILC gradient should be doable even for baseline, industrialisation experted to be straight-forward (mid-T receipe works reliably, small change to ILC receipe) => add section on this to 3.1, including discussion of yield etc
  • Other receipe (two step baking) allow for high gradients 
  • -> need to find a receipe that allows for achieving both
  • in 3.2.1, add discussion of which gradient would be needed to go at fixed tunnel length to next energy stage (e.g. reach 380 GeV in 20.5km tunnel, or 550 GeV in 27 km tunnel etc), and which R&D / industrialisation effort is needed
  • complete version of text a bit after Feb 7 due to teaching constraints
  • meet next week, including Akira
  • talk to Laura, Anna and other experts to make sure they don't disagree with anything
  • China really caught up, apart maybe for the highest gradients, IHEP made cryo-module with mid-T baking 3E10 at ~20 MV/m
  • mention Chinese R&D and production successes
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