LC TPC WP meeting # 6



+494089981390 52872#
Ron Settles (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik)
6th: LCTPC/LP collaboration, Beijing meeting, WP planning
Summary of 6th WP meeting 02/08/2006 -------------------------------------------- Wednesday 2 August 2006 West Coast East Coast W.Europe Japan 07.00 10.00 16.00 23.00 Present: Ties Behnke Ralf Diener Madhu Dixit Ivor Fleck Keisuke Fujii Leif Jonsson Martin Killenberg Vincent Lepeltier Takeshi Matsuda Joachim Mnich Dan Peterson Peter Schade Oliver Schaefer Ron Settles Akira Sugiyama Peter Wienemann AGENDA ---------- See the agendafoils -1.News -Formation of the LCTPC/LP Collaboration -WWS-R&D-panel tracking review at Beijing -2.WP meeting -LCTPC/LP goals (Ron) -LP electronics connectors (Leif) -LCTPC electronic proposal (Madhu) -3.Future meetings -4.AOB 1. News --------------------------------- 1a. Status of the LCTPC/LP collaboration (foils#3-4) The names for Collaboration-Board (CB) representatives from about 8 out of 35 groups are still missing (the non-checked groups on foil#4). As soon as these are received, RS will send around the CB list to everybody, and the next round of discussion on the organization of the collaboration can start. 1b. WWS-R&D-panel tracking review at Beijing (foil#5). As announced at the VLSW06, the WWS-R&D Panel is starting regular reviews of the different R&D projects for the LC detector. Chris Damerell informed they want to start with tracking (Si and TPC) at the Asian LC meeting in Beijing (February 2007). Details have not yet been worked out, but they may want a written report (update of the May-PRC TPC report in our case), an overview talk at an open session and, perhaps, reports from each country at a closed session. The organization of our LCTPC collaboration should be finished by the end of this year, so that preparing material for the Beijing meeting can more easily be distributed amongst the TPC groups and be much easier than it was for the PRC. More info will follow soon when available. 2. WP Meeting --------------------------------- 2a.Purpose of the LP/SP (RS) (foils#6,7) A first iteration on the LP question was presented by Takeshi at the meeting two weeks ago (6July2006). At Takeshi?s request, Ron included possibilities for the small prototypes (SP) in his Vancouver talk (see The idea (agenda foil#6) could be that there would be two phases for the LP: LP1 where present details developed at the WP meetings over the next few weeks would be tested, and LP2 around 2009, where a true prototype for the LCTPC would be buillt/tested. In parallel work can go on using the SPs to address additional issues which the LP R&D program cannot get to due to time limitations. A list of possibilites which includes feedback from Dan is seen on foil#7. For the LP Dan suggested that we put as many features we know about in LP1 (e.g. a gating grid, C-fiber sandwich structure, etc.). Ron thought it would be good to implement such aspects as early as possible, but we have to understand details of how the first-version LP1 sectors will be built by end 2006. Details which are not yet ripe may be studied using an SP or later in LP2. Dan thought there may be several intermediate steps between LP1 and LP2 where such features could be added. At Vancouver the possibility was discussed of doing multi-track resolution tests at Fermilab in a 100 GeV hadron beam using the Carlton SP with micromegas + resistive foil or the MPI SP using triple Gem (a magnet however was not immeadiately identifiable). Madhu will follow up these alternatives during the next weeks. Madhu suggested that the SPs may be too small to really test the jet environment, Ron thought that one would have to choose the right range of beam energies. Ties and Joachim reminded that EUDET facility can also be moved to other beams (e.g. at Cern or Fermilab) if the TPC R&D program requires it. Other ideas from the collaboration are welcome. 2b.More on the LP electronics (Leif)(foil#8) Leif?s drawing of the connector for the electronics was discussed. Dan asked about achievable density of pads, Leif said the connector on the TPC side can be attached to the pads via flexible cables and thus adaptable to the chosen pad density. There was a long discussion about how the drawing was to be understood, which Leif explained. Leif said he would distribute another drawing which would make the arrangement clearer. 2c.Proposal for the LCTPC electronics (Madhu)(foil#9) This was already detailed at the last meeting two weeks ago (preamp with 25ns T_rise, no shaper, 25MHz digitizer). Leif replied this is o.k. but that the first LP version using the upgraded Altro chip won'?t have these specs and aked whether it is necessary to discuss the next generation electronics already. Ron pointed out that we have to understand the achievable electronics density for the LCTPC a.s.a.p. since it affects many aspects of the LCTPC design which is under continual discussion now. A design study for the next generation electronics using e.g. 130nm technology can be started now and proceed in parallel to the LP work, since such design studies require several iterations and several years of work before they converge. (Note added by RS: IPN-Orsay colleagues together with RS already did a design exercise two years ago of assuming a factor 4 improvement in FEE-board size of the Alice electronics and putting them on the LCTPC with 2mm x 5mm pads. The exercise failed because of too much material. What was not yet taken into account then was the need for less cooling due to power switching; the gain due to power switching is one of the critical aspects to be understood for the LCTPC electronics.) (Another note added: Madhu proposed after this phonemeeting that Carleton/Montreal might be able to build a number of prototype (using hybrids e.g.) channels with the specs proposed above and mount them on the LP-- there should be plenty of room--in order to test their performance. This will be discussed at the next WP phonemeetings in two weeks.) 2d.LP setup (Madhu). Madhu suggested that the LP gating grid could be mounted on the fieldcage and thus be usable for different endplates. In an email which followed this meeting, Akira pointed out that this would not be possible with the mechanism Dan is planning to use for mounting the panels in order to minimized the dead space (push the panel turned sideways through the frame into the drift volume, pull it back against the frame and bolt it on). This lead to a flurry of emails which won'?t b summarized here and which agreed with Akira (including Madhu). 4. Future meetings (foil#11) --------------------------------- -The next phonemeeting will be in two weeks, around August 16. -Paul/Akira are organizing the 'endcap meeting' in Paris 12-15 September; preliminary details have been sent; more will follow at the end of the month. At the end of the Paris meeting there will be a workpackage phonemeeting where the happenings will be summarized for the WP conveners and the LCTPC collaboration. -The annual Eudet meeting will be in Munich 18-20 October. -The European LC workshop in Valencia 6-10 November. -The Asan LC workshop in Beijing 4-7 February 2007.
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