RDB Meeting

Phone Conf

Phone Conf

Eckhard Elsen (DESY), William Willis (Physics Dept.Pupin Phys.Lab.)
    • 15:00 15:20
      Status of RDB document 20m
      • Status S0S1 15m
        Report of the task force meeting that took place during the week.
      • Status S2 15m
      • Status S4 15m
    • 15:20 15:40
      FP7 Proposal - Brief introduction and the role of the GDE 20m
      Description of the proposal that has been sent out separately.
      Speaker: Dr Eckhard Elsen (DESY)
    • 15:40 16:00
      Preparing the MAC rehearsal 20m
      The rehearsal is planned for April 20th