Date and time is tentative !! :
At this meeting, we would like to focus on the commissioning issues on software and hardware as well as progresses since the 3rd project meeting. Also, we would like to focus on the FD support and stabilization.
The time allocation in the listed plan is preliminary, while the total time is one day from 9am to 5pm as suggested by J.Urakawa (the ATF spokesperson);
Official agenda
Overview, especially on activities since the 3rd project meeting ; remark of
commissioning in October 2008 :
installation schedule at new ATF2 beam line, especially for October 2007 -
February 2008 (JFY2007)
FD support system
support table ;
BSM support with beam position measurement by IPBPM ;
Monalisa - monitor ;
QBPM system ;
BSM/IPBPM system ;
commissioning strategy of FONT and laserwire ;
magnet system ( magnets and power supply )
Beam tuning and commissioning plan
Report of the 4th TB/SGC meeting
The 4th TB and SGCs Joint Meeting will be held on May 28-29, CI, Daresbury,
UK. The URL is
meeting.php and the registration is
eventID=86 .