LAL ILC MDI/BDS/ATF2 group meeting

100 (LAL building 208)


LAL building 208

Bi-monthly internal meeting to rewiew activities and exchange information in the LAL ILC MDI/BDS/ATF2 group
Minutes of April 27, 2007 LAL ILC-MDI/BDS/ATF2 group meeting (by Yves Rénier) First results of photon backscattered from extraction line in the detector - Olivier Dadoun The disrupted losses at the first collimator in the 2mrad can be a source of background in the detector point of view. The interaction between the disrupted beam and the collimator was done using Geant4. The backscattered photons must pass to the 1.2 cm beam Cal radius. The influence of the interaction between the photons in the sub detector was done using Mokka simulation. Explanation and discussion of the crab-waisting scheme, proposed in the context of the super-B factory design – Alessandro Variola The Crab-waist scheme allows increasing luminosity of a b-factory up to 10e36. The scheme is based on a large Piwinski angle collision that assure a very small size of the overlapping region, which reduces the hourglass effect and so allows a very small beta function at the IP. The crossing angle will introduce betatron coupling. "Crabbing the waist", by means of sextupoles , allows the test particles to see a constant beta function in the opposite beam, allowing to mitigate this betatron coupling.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      First results on impact of photons backscattered from the extraction line in the Vertex Detector
      Speaker: Dr olivier dadoun (lal orsay)
    • 2
      Explanation and discussion of the crab-waisting scheme, proposed in the context of the super-B factory design
      Speaker: Mr Alessandro Variola (S.E.R.A.)
    • 3
      brief review of activities