Estimation of losses at the electrostatic separators and intermediate dump in the ILC head-on alternative extraction scheme – Julien Brossard
In headon scheme, the electromagnetic separator is a critical device (as it could breakdown if too much power is deposited inside), and require an accurate design. Some preliminary results were presented for nominal and high luminosity parameters at 500 GeV in center of mass for full and split electrodes. These results were obtained by tracking a hugh number of high statistics Guinea-Pig file (cf ) in Dimad. Results presented were not completed nor fully valid. More recent results were presented at LCWS'07 Hamburg), see .
BHEX1 bending magnet computation in the minimal ILC 2mrad alternative extraction scheme and recent optics design evolutions – Robert Appleby, Philip Bambade, Sophie Cavalier
The design of the 2mrad extraction scheme was simplified and shortened drastically to reduce the cost. The design of the first bending magnet (BHEX1) of this extraction line was studied. This magnet will need big aperture due to the disrupted beam after the IP. Several designs were tested. In the present versions, a homogeneity of about 4.0e-3 was obtained. In the latest version of the 2 mrad design, the final doublet has become much more compact, which leads the beamstrahlung cone to have less separation from the extracted beam. A version of the design with a half-gap enlarged to about 45,7 mm is now needed. Simulations of this magnet in the line will be performed to make sure leakage fields will not disturb significantly the incoming beam.
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