FONT meeting notes of May 18 2007
Tony, Javier, Phil (Oxford)
Christine, Christina, Glenn, Ben, Hamid (KEK)
Alexander (DL)
Report on ATF shifts (Glenn, Christine, Christina)
There were 3 shifts but most of the useful data were taken in the last 5 hours
of the last shift!
shift 1:
3 bunches, large bunch-bunch position offsets, large jitter.
FB done with varying gain, probably of limited usefulness.
shift 2:
lost 3 hours due to thyratron fault.
Alexander was able to calibrate his BPMs.
FB set up, but problem with FB input difference signal not changing with beam position.
shift 3:
difference signal problem solved by 6db attenuation! suspect power overload in tunnel,
causing saturation/non-linearity of combiner/mixer?
good beam quality.
lots of high-quality data taken for 7 beam positions (2 deliberately saturated),
3 gain settings per beam position.
large 'banana' on train: order 200um sagitta?
Jitter data taken with FB on/off - FB seems to make a noticeable improvement!
1/Q normalisation tried and looks to have been successful. Noticeable improvement
on FB performance for beam near 0.
Clearly the data will need to be analysed carefully.
** It is clear that we need to bench-test the BPM processor to understand the
'saturation' effect; Christine thinks it's consistent with the data sheet for the
BPM resolution studies (Christina)
Christina has derived resolution numbers from the shift 1 data of week 1.
Sometimes 3-4 um resolution is obtained, at other times the resolution is worse.
There is no obvious pattern or correlation of performance with particular
processor/BPM pairings.
Some data were taken in week 2 with one processor in, and another out of, the tunnel,
for the same BPM: this may give some useful information.
Christina concludes there is a lot to do to understand the apparently varying
performance of the processors.
New BPM studies (Alexander)
Alexander is generally happy with his data.
Calibration and resolution runs were taken.
Some problems generating ADC input clock signals.
Problems with an interference signal in the driver - related to the power supply?
The main conclusion is that the synchronous detector concept has been verified.
Alexander will discuss the 'constant-energy extraction' from the ATF ring with
Kuroda, at the ATF2 meeting on May 28.
Repatriation of hardware
Alexander brought his BPM processors back to the UK.
The FONT4 boards will be radiation-tested and, if safe, brought back to Oxford.
Cables, connectors etc. will be left in the new FONT cupboard.
Next meetings:
Friday May 25: no meeting
Friday June 1: no meeting due to LCWS
Friday June 8: 08.00 SLAC / 16.00 UK
best wishes,
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