Subject: draft-summary 11th WP meeting 11 Oct 2006 Dear LCTPC friends, Here is a draft summary of last Wednesday's meeting. Please let me know if something is missing, and I will circulate the final version before next week's meeting... Thanks, Ron 11th WP meeting 11/10/2006 -------------------------------------------- Wednesday 11 October 2006 West Coast East Coast W.Europe Japan 07.00 10.00 16.00 23:00 Present: Paul Colas Ralf Diener Madhu Dixit Lea Hallermann Michael Hauschild Katsumasa Ikematsu Leif Jonsson Alexander Kaukher Martin Killenberg Vincent Lepeltier Takeshi Matsuda Astrid Muennich Dan Peterson Peter Schade Oliver Schaefer Ron Settles Jan Timmermans Michael Weber Excused: Dean Karlen AGENDA 11 October 2006 See the agendafoils at 1.News -a. -b.LCTPC/LP Collaboration: status -c.WWS-R&D-panel tracking review at Beijing 2.WP meeting -More on the LP electronics and endplate 3.Future meetings -Eudetmeeting at MPI 18-20 October -Valencia European WS 6-10 November -Beijing Asian WS February 4-7 February 1. News --------------------------------- 1a. All of the WP meeting up to now are on this website. Only the agendafiles and the summaries have been installed there up to now, and the relevant additional files will be added. The idea is to have all the information in one place so that people can refer back if needed. In future we will organize the WP meetings there and a backup copy will be kept at 1b. Status of the LCTPC/LP collaboration(foils#4-9) -The overview is summarized on foil#4. -A proposal by the interim-SP for the next steps was sent to the CB and TB; the first collaboration meeting were held on 20.09.2006 and a second on 04.10.2006: It was decided at the first collaboration phonemmeeting that each region should independently select a Regional Coordinator (RC) via vote by that region’s CB members, to replace the interim SPs, and that the 3 Regional Coordinators would choose a chairperson who is the sole Spokesperson. The status is: -America: RC is Dean Karlen -Asia: the search committee, Keisuke Fujii and Angelina Bacala, establised the RC candidates who were be voted on by the Asia CB members. Result: RC is Takeshi Matsuda -Europe: the search committee, Vincent Lepeltier and Klaus Desch, are finding the RC candidates who will be voted on by the European CB members. The goal is to have the RC selected by the time of the LCTPC meeting at Munich on 18.10.2006 at 10:30 in the morning. 1c. WWS-R&D-panel tracking review at Beijing (foil#10) As decided at our last meeting on 27.09.2006, an email was sent to the WWSOC chairmen and Chris Damerell asking for clarification a.s.a.p. so that we have time to get ourselves organized. The replies to this were positive. At a meeting of the WWSOC on 09.10.2006, RS volunteered to recast the draft charge which had been written by Chris (but not yet approved or distributed) to make it shorter and to the point. That reformulated charge was in general accepted except that the method of presentation of the financial details at the closed meeting are still be discussed. 2. WP Meeting --------------------------------- 2a.LP endplate (Martin) (foils#11-15). A proposal for positioning Gems and Micromegas on the LP endplate are shown in the drawings by Martin on the foils#9-14. The matching of the voltages for the different configurations in this scheme is achieved by the positioning of the endplate together with adjustment of the fieldcage voltages. Dan ask about the possibility of of only adjusting the bias at the end of the fieldcage; Martin said in his scheme mechanical positioning is also needed; Dan wanted to think about it some more. 2b. Micromegas resolution (Paul)(foil#16). Yannis Geometaris suggested another way on foil#15 for improving the Micromegas resolution. Up to now we have tested the use of Madhu's resistive foil for this purpose; in the new idea, a pad is divided into slivers, every other one of which is connected to one channel, the others to another channel. This doubles the number of electronic channels. The idea is being simulated. 2c. Connectors (Leif)(foil#17). Leif has now received 100 connectors discussed several times (see meeting #7, 8 or 9, e.g.). Anyone wishing to have a few for their studies should send an email to Leif; you can also pick them up at Munich next week. Dan asked about achieving the channel density (see Leif's foils at previous meetings). We first have to decide the pad size/pitch (Leif's orginal assumption is for 2mm x 4mm pads), then see what alternatives we have. Dan repeated the question which has also been discussed in previous meetings as whether the connectors should be place directly on the pad plane, or whether we should foresee a short gap between pads and connector to allow for better cooling as will be needed in the LCTPC. Leif thought that for LP1 we don't need cooling yet, Dan thought that cooling should be included from the beginning, so that the evolution from LP1 to more sophisticated endplates is as small as possible. People should think about this for the continuing discussion; Dan will have some drawings ready by Valencia. 2d. Fieldcage (Peter)(foil#17). Peter is still working on the via connection of the resistors to the "other-side" field strips. Dan asked about using one-sided strips and gluing them back-to-back, if this would be easier. Again this is "on-going work" 3. Future meetings (foil#18) --------------------------------- -Eudet annual meeting MPI-Munich (18-20 October 2006) with website: The LCTPC CB/TB meeting will be at 10:30 on Wednesday 18 Oct., before the start of the Eudet annual meeting at 14:00. -European LC workshop Valencia (6-10 November 2006), see -Asian LC workshop Beijing (4-7 February 2007) Website: