Subject: draft-summary 12th WP meeting 25 Oct 2006 Dear LCTPC friends, Here is a draft summary of last Wednesday's meeting. Please let me know if something is missing, and I will circulate the final version before next week's meeting at Valencia Thanks, Ron 12th WP meeting 25/10/2006 -------------------------------------------- Wednesday 25 October 2006 West Coast East Coast W.Europe Japan 07.00 10.00 16.00 23:00 Present: David Attie Ties Behnke Paul Colas Madhu Dixit Lea Hallermann Michael Hauschild Leif Jonsson Dean Karlen Martin Killenberg Vincent Lepeltier Astrid Muennich Dan Peterson Peter Schade Ron Settles Akira Sugiyama Jan Timmermans Excused: Takeshi Matsuda AGENDA 25 October 2006 See the agendaslides at 1.News -a.LCTPC/LP Collaboration: status -b.WWS-R&D-panel tracking review at Beijing 2.WP meeting -a.Preparations for decisions at the WP meeting at Valencia. -b.Other WP business Summary 25 October 2006 ------------------------------------------------- 1a. Status of the LCTPC/LP collaboration(slides#3,4,5,6) The RC for American is Dean Karlen, for Asia is Takeshi Matsuda and for Europe the search committee (Klaus Desch and Vincent Lepeltier) is still working and want to have a result by Valencia. The LCTPC meeting at Munich was attended by the following colleagues: Ties Behnke, Klaus Desch, Ralf Diener, Keisuke Fujii, Lea Hallermann, Michael Hauschild, Leif Jonsson, Dean Karlen, Alexander Kaukher, Vincent Lepeltier, Takeshi Matsuda, Joachim Mnich, Dan Peterson, Peter Schade, Oliver Schaefer, Ron Settles, Jan Timmermans, Adrian Vogel The discussion centered around the next general steps to be undertaken by the collaboration: (1)LP1 construction --Definition of tasks for building LP1 with time table --Establish which groups have the resources to contribute to the LP1 construction-->this requires setting up an overview of the money/manpower situation of all groups --Distribution of tasks for LP1 among all groups --Figure out what to do if something is missing --Set up a simple (loose) MOA for the LP1 construction (2)LCTPC R&D --Continue defining the overall four-year program of R&D needed for the LCTPC --Identify the R&D tasks to be covered by LP1->LP2, SP, simulation studies --See how the tasks can be distributed among the groups --Figure out what to do if something is missing (3)Beijing Review --This will probably consist of a written report before Beijing and several talks at Beijing. --Identify a task force for putting together the written report --There will be an open session on the R&D status and a closed session on the funding situation. --Find out who is going to Beijing from the LCTPC groups to see who can give which talks. There may be some reports by telephone. 1b. WWS-R&D-panel tracking review at Beijing (slides#7.8.9) The mail sent by the WWSOC to all the ILC mailing lists in America, Asia and Europe is between the rows of ****: ************************ From Tue Oct 24 17:50:55 2006 Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 15:05:52 +0200 From: Francois Richard To: Subject: World-wide reviews of ILC detector R&D Dear colleagues, We write to inform you of a new responsibility we are giving to the WWS Detector R&D Panel, namely to implement a systematic procedure for peer-reviewing ILC detector R&D on a world-wide basis. This new system is intended to put the detector R&D on a more even basis with ILC accelerator R&D, which is already organised by the RDB (the Research and Development Board of the GDE) into world-wide task forces. Detailed plans are still being finalised, but the general procedure will be as follows. The Panel, operating within the existing structure of regional workshops, will organise the review of one set of topics at each workshop, starting as follows: Beijing (Feb 2007)--tracking, DESY (LCWS) (June 2007)--calorimetry, Fermilab (October 2007)--vertexing and Asia (tbd 2008)--particle ID, muon tracking, solenoid, beam diagnostics and DAQ. By cycling through the four sets of topics in this way, over time each region will host every topic. To help with the peer review process, we plan to invite impartial experts from outside the ILC community, as well as members of the Detector R&D Panel. Each review will start with an open session, followed by a closed session on the next day. Every group will be invited to present a status report on their work, including past and future milestones, through to completion of their R&D goals. For these purposes, a 'group' will be taken to mean any R&D activity covered by agreements with funding sources in one country. This means that there would be, in general, one report per country for a collaborative effort involving more than one country. A programme within EUDET will also be considered a group. Large collaborations such as LC-TPC or CALICE may wish to organise their open session presentations in the form of an extended introduction, followed by presentations from each of their constituent groups, who will explain what R&D plans are covered by their national resources. In the closed session, each group will have the opportunity to discuss funding issues and other possibly confidential matters related to achieving their milestones. After the closed session, the reviewers will write a report on the work of each group, to be made available to the group, the WWS-OC, the GDE, and the relevant funding agency. We anticipate that these reports will be useful to the groups seeking ongoing support for their work and to refine their R&D activities. The reports will also provide input to the existing regional review processes (such as the DESY PRC in Europe), which will continue to provide important guidance. This system will cover the transition period until R&D activities become the responsibility of experiment collaborations. We should further comment that these reviews will be held in addition to, not instead of, the existing detector sessions at the regional workshops. These sessions will continue to be important channels of communication of new results, as well as enabling young physicists to present their own work. Sincerely, [GDE EC, WWS-OC chairs] **************************************************** In the discussion that followed, doubts were expressed because of the duplication of effort (WWS + regional reviews), about the proposal that open-session reports are by country and not by topic, and about the need for a review for the detector which is regimented to the level of that for the machine. There was the thought that FALC would be more appropriate than the GDE as co-sponser. There will an session at Valencia where everyone can express their opinions/critcisms about this review proposal. 2. WP Meeting --------------------------------- -2a.Preparations for the WP meeting at Valencia (slides#10,11,12) The outline of tasks for the TPC LP was put together by Ties and iterated on by Takeshi, Keisuke, RS and the Desy TPC group before today's phonemeeting. Ties distributed this 'Project List2 LP TPC.doc' which was used to write down some points on slides #10,11 which were discussed at the meeting. Based on feedback, the list has been updated and is available on the website as 'Project_List3_LP_TPC.doc'. Several tasks are highly correlated between various topics, and this has been taken into account. Everyone is asked to study the list so that we can converge on as many questions as possible at Valencia. Below, between the $$$ lines is the outline in text format (it is long) for completeness; the Project_List3_LP_TPC.doc file is easier to read. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Project List LP TPC Ties Behnke--Original Version 1.0 23.10.2006 After phonemeeting 25.10.2006--Version 3.0 below Symbols: --WIP (work in progress) =>things to be discussed and/or decided at Valencia 0. Magnet -------------- =>specify mechanics and movements desired 1. Field cage for Large Prototype -------------------------------------- 1. design and fabricate field cage --WIP =>decide length =>Confirm diameter wrt Si detectors on fieldcage. 2. FC details 2.1. material for field cage --WIP 2.2. HV tests 2.3. interface field cage – endplate =>decide on mechanical attachment in item 2.1.2. below 2.3.1. gas tightness system --WIP 2.3.2. mechanical specifications for endplate --WIP 2.4. design field strips --WIP 2.4.1. HV connections to field strips --WIP 2.4.2. connection to mirror strips --WIP 3. mechanical support system for field cage in magnet =>specify how large translations and rotations should be and the precision of these movements =>identify designer for this device 4. survey (mechanical) of field cage in magnet =>indentify who will do this 2. Endplate for LP --------------------- 1. Endplate Version 1 =>how many different endplates LP1 should there be? 1.1. layout of first LP1 endplate =>discuss Dan Peterson's layout in and below 1.2. design of interface to field cage =>decide on mechanical attachment 1.3. design of positioning system of panels relative to endplate =>discuss tolerance 1.4. design of interface endplate – amplification modules =>discuss Martin Killenberg suggestion, biasing, skirt, etc 1.5. design of gas tightness system --WIP 1.6. gas supply =>discuss where the should be inlets/outlets be together with 3.1.3 below 1.7. HV supply =>identify who will work on this 2. Endplate Version > 1 =>discuss possible evolution LP1~LP1.5~LP2 etc and relation to SP studies 2.1. develop light version of endplate 2.2. develop large module version of endplate 3. Cathode ------------ 1. Layout of LP1 cathode =>mounting of radioactive source discussed in item 7 below 1.1. design of cathode --WIP 1.2. interface cathode – field cage --WIP 1.3. gas supply =>discuss where the inlets/outlets should be together with 2.1.6. above 1.4. HV supply =>identify who will work on this 4. Gas Amplification Module ---------------------------------- 1. GEM based gas amplification module 1.1. development of GEM tower technology =>identify which groups are working on this 1.2. conventional pad plane based system 1.2.1. design of pad plane (optimization of pad structure) =>decide pad size 1.2.2. non-conventional pad structures =>needed? 1.2.3. interface GEM-tower – pad plane =>identify who will design this 1.2.4. development of tiling strategies for GEM readout =>discuss Dan Peterson layout together with 1.3. Si-pixel based system =>identify GEM-Si groups to provide input to these items 4.1.3.n 1.3.1. TimePix development 1.3.2. INGRID developments 1.3.3. interface GEM-tower – Si-chip 1.3.4. development of tiling strategies for GEM with Si-chip readout 2. Micromegas based gas amplification module 2.1. conventional pad plane based system 2.1.1. development of Micromegas system =>identify groups working on this 2.1.2. design of pad geometries (optimization) =>decide pad size 2.1.3. interface Micromegas- pad plane 2.1.4. development of tiling strategies for Micromegas =>discuss Dan Peterson layout together with above 2.2. Si-pixel based system =>identify GEM-Si groups to provide input to these items 4.2.2.n 2.2.1. Time Pix developments 2.2.2. INGRID developments 2.2.3. interface micro-megas Si-chip (spark protection) 2.2.4. development of tiling strategy for Micromegas with Si-chip readout 5. Electronics ---------------- 1. Interface pad-plane - preamplifier =>decide location connectors wrt preamp boards for LP1 electronics 2. LP1 electronics =>discuss evolution in number of channels 3. LCTPC electronics =>identify team to work on this development 6. Laser System for LP ------------------------ 1. laser system for the LP =>discuss cathode or anode entry =>identify who will follow this up 1.1. laser beams via cathode window 1.1.1. entry window in cathode 1.1.2. mirror system inside TPC 1.1.3. laser beamdump system 1.1.4. control (monitoring) system for laser beams 1.2. laser beams via anode entry 1.2.1. entry window in anode 1.2.2. conductor pattern on cathode 2. laser for the calibration system 2.1. laser control system 2.2. laser parameter monitoring system 2.3. external optical system for the laser 3. development of algorithms etc for laser based calibration systems 7. Source based calibration system ----------------------------------------- 1. design of a source based calibration system =>discuss mounting of radioactive source =>identify who will work on these questions 1.1. design of fixed position source system 1.2. monitoring of sources inside TPC 1.3. design of a movable source based system 2. development of calibration algorithms for source based calibration 8. Integrated Si detector ----------------------------- =>decide on Si accuracy needed wrt TPC =>identify who will be the TPC laison for this work 1. Si-strip detector based external alignment system 1.1. design of Si system 1.2. interface to field cage (mounting on outside of field cage) 1.3. integration of Si into field cage mounting system inside magnet 9. Slow-Control System ---------------------------- =>identify who will work on slow control 1. develop a concept for the slow control system 1.1. choice of hardware 1.2. choice of software basis 2. gas purity monitoring system 3. gas flow control 4. environmental conditions monitoring 5. chamber conditions monitoring 6. HV control and monitoring 7. Magnet control and monitoring: interface to magnet control 10. Gas System --------------- =>discuss type of system (mix or premix) =>temperature control needed? =>identify who will work on this 1. gas distribution system 1.1. input flow control 1.2. output flow control, including over pressure control =>decide overpressure to be used 1.3. interface to slow controls systems 2. simple premixed gas system 2.1. control and monitoring 2.2. interface to gas distribution system 3. gas mixing system 3.1. development of concept for gas mixing system 3.1.1. control and monitoring 3.1.2. interface to gas distribution system 11. Data Acquisition System ------------------------------ =>identify people working on these questions 1. develop a concept for the data acquisition system 1.1. hardware basis 1.2. software basis 2. Run Control System for TPC 2.1. develop concept for run control 2.2. simple messenger based run control 3. interface to ILC software system 4. interface to/ agreement with EUDET DAQ 5. online software/ interface to offline 5.1. calibration data format 5.2. real data format 5.3. calibration system / database 5.4. raw data storage 5.5. GRID integration 6. participation in ILC online event definition discussion 12. Event Display ------------------ =>identify who can work on this 1. online event display for LP-TPC 1.1. develop concept / code base for event display 1.2. graphical representation of LP 1.3. interface event display to online and offline software 13. Analysis Software --------------------- =>identify who will work on this 1. decision on common analysis framework 2. MARLIN based analysis framework 2.1. develop class structure for TPC analysis 2.2. develop algorithms for TPC analysis 2.3. interface to Java based framework 3. Java based analysis software 3.1. develop Java based system 3.2. interface to C++ based framework 14. Test Beam Experiments ------------------------------- 1. Preparation of test beam experiment at DESY, CERN, Fermilab =>identify who can be laison for DESY, to start with 2. Interface to EUDET SI telescope 3. Particle ID in test beam 4. Trigger counters 5. movable stage for TPC/magnet in test beam =>see item 0. above 15. Cosmic Ray Test Stand --------------------------------- 1. Development of cosmic ray trigger for LC-TPC =>what are minimum/maximum angles needed? =>identify who can work on these problems 1.1. trigger counters 1.2. trigger electronics 1.3. interface to DAQ 2. Cosmic trigger in field cage 2.1. design of trigger counters 2.2. mechanical implications =>what are minimum/maximum rotation angles needed? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ -2a.WP meeting topics (slides#13) Dan has drawings on his website for a stress-relief test model. He will show more ideas at Valencia. 3. Future meetings (foil#18) --------------------------------- -European LC workshop Valencia (6-10 November 2006) -Asian LC workshop Beijing (4-7 February 2007)