Accelerator Physics Meeting (WebEx-phone)

Daniel Schulte (CERN), Kiyoshi Kubo (KEK)
13:00 GMT
For Meeting
List A-new
List A-old
List B
Minutes of Acc. Physics Group meeting, Augast 07 2007. Materials are on web page: 1. Brief report and discussion using slides by K.K. Basically, we agreed what are in the slides. (A) We agreed that We need a co-leader of this group from US. K.K will be single contact person in EDR phase, however, Three co-leaders (one from each of three regions) should be equivalently responsible in this group. (B) We agreed to start (continue) organizing “work packages” of simulation studies, not to wait responses from Area Groups. (However, we should keep touch with them.) (C) We agreed to make a list of candidates of contact persons of tasks “information for simulations” (Task List A) in this meeting (see below). Each person should make a report by the GDE meeting in October. 2. We made a list of contact persons in Task List A. (To be conformed.) (We forgot who will contact Glen White, Karl Bane and/or Gennady Stupakov. However It seems we can ask PT (K. K will send message to him) Lattice design Mark Woodley (SLAC) (and Allex Valishev (FNAL) as a sub-contact) Alignment model K. Kubo (KEK) Ground motion and vibration model P. Lebrun (FNAL) and Dirk Kruecker (DESY) RF (BC, ML) error model D. Schulte (CERN) Magnet error model from BDS simulations ?(UK) [Daniel will contact UK people.] BPM performance model Glen White : [?] BSM(Beam size monitor) performance model G. Blair (RHUL) [Daniel will ask him.] Cavity wakefield Igor Zagorodnov (DESY) or Roger Jones [Daniel will ask them.] Collimator wakefield Roger Barlow (Manchester) or Igor Zagorodnov (DESY) or Karl Bane (SLAC) [Daniel will ask R.B. and/or I.Z.] Other impedance Karl Bane, Gennady Stupakov (SLAC): [?] Stray electromagnetic fields N. Solyak (FNAL) 3. Discussion of “Work Packages”. It was suggested that we organize work packages based on Task List B. There were discussions on more than one independent studies, benchmarking, code development. No clear conclusions. 4. Next meeting will be Aug. 21, the same time.
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