SLAC Beam Dynamics Kickoff meeting

Fuji Conference Room, Bldg.214 (SLAC)

Fuji Conference Room, Bldg.214


Here are the minutes from the 14 August meeting of the SLAC ILC BD group. Please send corrections, amendments, etc to me.

The SLAC ILC BD group will be working in two areas:
  • *beam dynamics work packages proposed by the area leaders and/or the leader of the EDR Simulations team
  • More general ILC-related studies, which will help to build the expertise of the group so that when the area leaders have unexpected, urgent problems there are people available who can work to solve them promptly.
Chris Adolphsen talked briefly about some of the issues he would like to address: aspects of the quad package which have not been thought out or specified in any detail, mechanical issues, specifications, the possibility of reducing element apertures. He is also concerned about the recent Zagorodnov et al result showing a substantial wakefield and RF kick from the cavity couplers. Chris will make a more detailed presentation of his issues at the next SLAC ILC BD meeting (next week).

Andrei Seryi had a list of topics which he presented:
  • RF losses and wakefields in the BDS: collimators, vacuum chambers, transitions, crab cavities.
  • Feedback and tuning studies.
  • ATF2 flight simulator and its connection to the ATF2 control system.
  • Tolerances, power supply stability, and the connection to ATF2 / ATF extraction. Are there experiments we can do in this area?
  • IR beam dynamics: orbits, DID, antisolenoid, synchrotron radiation.
  • Shock waves in the water dump (maybe beyond the scope of this group!).
Tor would like to develop a list of problems to solve, and for each problem note the existing tools for its solution and whether they are adequate.

At this point we went around the room to the group members and discussed briefly what each one was working on:

Glen White: ATF2 controls, flight simulator via Lucretia, HA PS controls, magnet mover controls, ATF2 and BDS tuning studies, Start to End (S2E) infrastructure, crab cavity tolerances.

Sergei Seletskiy: IR simulation tool (the most recent developments should finish this month); ATF EXT emittance growth via 2D/3D field map tracking; RTML optics design.

Feng Zhou: electron source, gun lab work and injector design; positron source transport design and collimation, which should finish soon; ATF2 EXT studies with Sergei and Mark. Feng would like to join ATF2 commissioning.

Mark Woodley: ATF2 optics design; ILCBDS optics, RTML-IP integrated optics; ATF BPMs and BBA. Mark is willing to be the senior deckmaster for the EDR, a position he held previously for NLC and for ILC.

Mauro Pivi: electron cloud experiment at PEP2, ecloud simulation code development; Mauro would also like to join ATF2.

Yunhai Cai: DR work (WPs still under development); interested in ATF2; currently heavily involved in PEP-2, but this work will wind down in the near future.

Karl Bane: ring impedance, linac gradient optimization, wakefields.

Gennady Stupakov: ring impedance, impedance theory, collimators.

Jeff Smith: LARP collimators. Ultimately Jeff will be 25% ILC and would like to continue work on the RTML emittance preservation. He also has expertise in spin tracking and had thought to look into applying this to the e+ production undulator, but it's not clear that there's much need for this.

Lanfa Wang:  DR instabilities (ion, ecloud, impedance); emittance tuning and CSR in ATF/ATF2; wakefields in linac and BDS; multipactoring in coaxial line; clearing electrode design for KEKB.  Interested in ATF2 commissioning.

Meeting adjourned at noon.

Next meeting: 21 August. Speaker: Chris Adolphsen.

After-meeting addition: Chris Adolphsen sent information from Nikolay Solyak about beam dynamics personnel at Fermilab, from Kiyoshi Kubo about beam dynamics personnel in Asia, and from Daniel Schulte about beam dynamics personnel in Europe. Here's the information:


Nikolay SOLYAK: RTML – ML.
Alex VALISHEV: (part time) ML Lattice design and matching to RTML/BDS. Management of ILC lattices, version control at FNAL repository
Paul LEBRUN: ML, feedback system and dynamic simulations CHEF
Valentin IVANOV: ML – adaptive alignment
Francois OSTIGUY: ML, Undulator, Model for undulator, emittance preservation. Support CHEF code.
Manfred WENDT: Cold BPM design, electronics
Andrei LUNIN: Cold BPM design, performance, Cavity wakefields
Slava ASEEV (ANL-FNAL): (part time) ML, long range wakefields, specs for high harmoinics in magnets
Kirti RANJAN (Dehli Univ.): (under discussion) ML
Yuri EIDELMAN (BINP, visitor): (under discussion) ML, beam diagnostics in warm sections.


Kiyoshi KUBO (KEK): RTML – ML – BDS etc.
Shigeru KURODA (KEK): ATF2 (BDS)
Toshiyuki OKUGI (KEK): ATF2 (BDS)
Dou WANG (IHEP): Main linac (student under Jie Gao)
Eun-San KIM (KNU): Bunch compressor
Sunyoung Ryu (KNU): Cold BPM performance, wakefield (closer to component design than beam dynamics)
IL-Moon Hwang (KNU): Alternative ac. cavity wakefield (closer to component design than beam dynamics)
Seunghwan Shin (KNU): Warm BPM wakefield (closer to component design than beam dynamics)


Roger Jones, Manchester University, simulations, long-range wakes
Dirk Kreucker, DESY, simulations, code development
Freddy Poirier, DESY, simulations
Andrea Latina, CERN, simulations, code development
Peder Eliasson, Uppsala University, simulations
Helmut Burkhardt, CERN, halo and tail generation
Daniel Schulte, CERN, simulations
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:00 12:00
      General Discussion of Goals and Plans fo this Meeting 1h
      Speaker: Dr Peter Tenenbaum (SLAC)