Damping Ring Accelerator Physics topics

Yunhai Cai made a presentation on the accelerator physics issues which are important to the ILC damping rings.  Current thinking is that dynamic aperture is under control, but there are a vast number of collective effects which are in various states of study.  Two big open issues are the emittance tuning and the impedance of the vacuum chamber.  Emittance preservation requires a serious effort at simulation studies, which will also be used to set alignment specifications and other parameters of beamline components.  The impedance calculation requires more engineering of the vacuum chamber, but with an engineered chamber design in hand Yunhai feels confident that the impedance can be calculated with acceptable accuracy.

There is considerable interest from the area leaders to get accelerator physicists to make "expressions of interest" (ie, to clearly state that they are interested in working on particular problems).  We will have to have serious discussion on this topic next week.
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 10:30 11:10
      DR AP Issues 40m
      Speaker: Dr Yunhai Cai (SLAC)
    • 11:10 11:30
      Old and New Business 20m
      Speaker: Dr Peter Tenenbaum (SLAC)