IR Eng. workshop, WG-B


Meeting of a working group in preparation to the ILC Interaction Region Engineering Design Workshop, IRENG07.

WG-B, group meeting.

Start time:
06:00 San Francisco
08:00 Chicago
09:00 New York
14:00 London
15:00 Geneva
22:00 Tokyo

Webex connection information:
To join, click on the link, enter your name and password ("ireng07") and phone number to receive call-back.

Connection information
    • 06:00 06:30
      ILC 14mr IR FD based on Rutherford cable 30m
      Speaker: Alexander Zlobin (FNAL)
    • 06:30 06:50
      Discussion of FD support options 20m
      Speaker: Dr Ping He (BNL)
    • 06:50 07:10
      Discussion of WG-B and plenary agenda 20m