From Mon Nov 13 13:52:28 2006 Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 13:52:08 +0100 (CET) From: Ronald Dean Settles To: Cc: LCTPC CB/TB combined list -- 'Keisuke FUJII' ,,, Anatoliy Krivchitch , Ariane Frey ,, Dan Peterson , Dean Karlen ,, Harry van der Graaf ,, Ivor Fleck ,,,, Leif Jonsson ,,,, Madhu Dixit ,,,, Peter Schade , Peter Wienemann ,, Stefan.Roth , Sugiyama Akira , Takeshi Matsuda ,, Y Gao , Subject: Summary 13th WP meeting 07-09 Nov 2006+next meeting Dear LCTPC friends, Here is a summary of last week's meetings at Valencia. Please let me know if something is missing. The next phonemeeting (#14) will be on Wednesday 15 Nov, where the main order of business will be to finish going through and discussing the outline od LP tasks. It will be at the usual time and I will send a reminder tomorrow evening with updated list, phone number, time, etc... Thanks, Ron Summary 13th WP meeting 07-09/11/2006 -------------------------------------------- Valencia ECFA-GDE WS Present: David Attie Ties Behnke Paul Colas Ralf Diener Madhu Dixit Michael Hauschild Katsumasa Ikematsu Alexander Kaukher Vincent Lepeltier Takeshi Matsuda Astrid Muennich Dan Peterson Peter Schade Ron Settles Akira Sugiyama Jan Timmermans Adrian Vogel ...let me know if your name is missing (we failed to circulate a paper for the names at the meeting) Summary 07-09 November 2006 ------------------------------------------------- 1. News ------- 1a. Status of the LCTPC/LP collaboration The RC for American is Dean Karlen and for Asia is Takeshi Matsuda. For Europe the candidates were Ron Settles and Jan Timmermans, where RS said he would only continue for one year. The European CB members selected RS, to be followed by JT after one year, in order to provide an adiabatic change-over. 1b. WWS-R&D-panel tracking review at Beijing. The mail sent by the WWSOC to all the ILC mailing lists in America, Asia and Europe was described at the last meeting (#12) and was repeated by Chris at the Valencia WS. Several discussions followed in various places. Takeshi wrote down some ideas for the LCTPC presentations which were discussed by a few of us after the LDC meeting; he will distribute them to the collaboration. On another front, the WWSOC wants to better define the relation to the regional reviews. In case of the Desy PRC, which is relevant to the LCTPC, Rolf is interested that the PRC reviews continue. Details will follow in due time. 2. WP Meeting --------------------------------- -2. LP tasks. -See for the complete list of tasks for the LP. The outline of tasks for the TPC LP was first put together by Ties, then iterated on by Takeshi, Keisuke, RS and the Desy TPC group before the phonemeeting#12. Based on feedback, the list was updated as 'Project_List3_LP_TPC.doc' which was discussed at Valencia. There we got through Item4 (about half way), and we will continue with Item5 at WP meeting #14 on Wednesday 15 Nov.