Dear TPC friends, Here is the summary of our last meeting (#17). Let me know if I forgot something. The next WP meeting (#18) will be on Wednesday 10.1.2007 at the usual time (WC06.30, EC09.30, CET15.30, JST23.30). This will be a normal WP meeting and not yet the dedicated electronics meeting we talked about at last time (see summary below), because it turns out some electronics people will not yet be available this Wednesday. I will be sending a separate announcement about WP#18... HNY, Ron Summary 17th WP meeting 20/12/2006 -------------------------------------------- Present: -Ties Behnke -Paul Colas -Madhu Dixit -Keisuke Fujii -Lea Hallermann -Katsumasa Ikematsu -Leif Joensson -Dean Karlen -Martin Killenberg -Vincent Lepeltier -Dan Peterson -Lee Sawyer -Peter Schade -Ron Settles -Akira Sugiyama -Jan Timmermans ...anyone forgotten? Agenda and Summary: -------------------- 1. News -a. Beijing tracking review status. Further iterations since this meeting have resulted in the following suggestion: five talks in the open session of ca.20+5min each. The reason for five is to give all regions visibility, to have all technologies represented and to split up the work. In the open session there will be one overview talk and four talks on the different R&D directions and planning. As soon as we have converged on the contents of the talks and the speakers, everyone will be informed of course. In the closed session we decided to give no talk, but only to present our money/manpower information available at that time. -b. PCMAG which arrived at Desy a couple of weeks ago has now been commissioned. 2. WP meeting -a. Date for a meeting on the evolution in number electronic channels for LP? Leif would like a dedicated discussion on the number of electronic channels for the LP. As a reminder, Eudet foresees 2000 by the end of 2007, while many of us think around 10000 will be necessary to carry out the LP R&D program. This has several implications, e.g. where/how to instrument the endplate pads, what is necessary for the DAQ to inplement this number which goes beyond the Eudet plans, and so on. At first we thought to have this discussion during the next WP meeting on 10 January, but now it turns out that 2 weeks later will be better. -b. LP1: FC status (Peter Schade et al), see Peter gave the status. Some dimensions are changing and need clarification. For example, is the space forseen for the silicon layers between the TPC and the magnet inner bore sufficient? Are the other dimensions acceptable? Present thinking is mount on a mandrel, to wrap the fieldcage rings on first and then the support structure (honeycomb, mylar, etc), and then collapse the mandrel in order to remove it. Then the discussion evolved to the related point: -c. LP1: Dan has a new iteration on the LP1 endplate at The points discussed were: --What is our final decision for the gate offset? --The 2mm gap between edge of endplate and fieldcage is thought to be enough since the panels will not be mounted in situ (at least at the beginning). --The thickness of the fieldcage should be 20mm (not 40mm); the endplate diameter must match the final fieldcage diameter. --We also have to agree on the shape of the light-red flange in Dan's drawing. --Do we want a continuous guardring (skirt)? --What is the 'radial gap' between the panels? 2cm? (The 'azimuthal' gap should be as small as possible.) --Where are the pixel detectors to be located, in a special slot or in one of the panels? Ties, Ron favor one of the panels while Paul favors a special slot. (During the Project-List discussion for the LP at Valencia, see this point was left open.) The pixel groups should also decide on the size. --Dan asked about the electrostatics between fieldcage and endplate; Ties answered that simulations are on-going. --There was general agreement that we try to finalize all dimensions and tolerances of the fieldcage and the endplate by the end of January. 3. AOB -a. Send in your favorite LCTPC logo!