Beam Delivery Systems: ATF Quads, 14mrad extraction line; detector self shielding; SiD self-shielding assembly

Fuji (SLAC)



2575 Sand Hill Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 USA
Cherrill is reporting from IHEP that production of ATF2 quads goes well. Machining the core of the first quad is finished -- the new EDM was used to machine the poletips, the dimensions were measured and tolerances were found all acceptable. Machining of the rest of the cores can now continue. The first 4 trim coils have been wound and they look good. The main conductor is due to arrive on December 20th (from Finland) and then winding will start. Goal is to have first coil wound and potted by December 30th. A video conference is planned for January 3rd/4th to look at the first coil-- which will have to be cut in half so we can see the turns are sitting correctly and the impregnation has been done properly. Yuri presented updated results for 14mrad extraction regarding beam loss on the collimators. The problem was found in DIMAD which has the wrong definition of collimators: it treats RCOLL as ECOLL, and vice versa. So the previous result corresponded to square collimators, even though they were assigned as ECOLL. The updated tables 4,5 (in the Nanobeam paper) now have round collimators. This increased the collimator loss but mostly for cases with large delta_y. Also, the new cases (14, 23, 24) for 14 mrad line are included. It was discussed that although the losses on collimators 1-3 are acceptable, there may be further optimization, in particular, increasing somewhat the size of beam dump window could reduce the losses. This will be studied. Lew presented studies of IR hall shielding using program SHIELD 11. Worst case accident full beam hitting a thick target in IR hall was assumed. SLAC rules require instantaneous dose rate < 25 Rem/hr for this worst case, credible accident. This was the assumption for SLD self-shielding. Therefore the sum of all neutron and photon sources must be less than 25 R/hr. Some of the conclusions are the following: The removable wall between detectors for a single push/pull hall does not have to be 5 m thick. For a shallow hall with no self-shielding, the roof over the detector needs to be about 2 m thick In ILC the high energy neutrons cause the most trouble, suggesting that more steel and less concrete is indicated. Self-shielding detector for ILC should be possible provided that the issue of cracks (gaps) could be solved. In the ILC self-shielding case, there do not need to be walls in the IR or a concrete roof over the pit in a shallow site. Tom presented considerations of collider hall sizes and sizes for pacman (self-shielding of detector) for SiD. This will be discussed at the end of this week at SiD workshop at Fermilab. In the second version of the talk, the pacman was split in two parts -- mobile and fixed. Further optimization, toward decreasing size of the detector hall (presently L48*W28*H30 m), has been discussed. Andrei Seryi, 12/15/05
There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 13:30 13:45
      Progress on ATF2 Quads 15m
      Speaker: Cherrill Spencer (SLAC)
    • 13:45 14:00
      Updated results on 14mrad extraction line tracking 15m
      Speaker: Yuri Nosochkov (SLAC)
    • 14:00 14:15
      Evaluation of possibility of self shielding detector 15m
      Speaker: Lewis Keller
    • 14:15 14:30
      Considerations of collider hall sizes and self-shielding assembly for SiD 15m
      Speaker: Dr Thomas Markiewicz (SLAC)