Created: September 7, 2005. Last updated: November 9, 2005, 6:26 PM PST
previous version (September 30, 2005)
Please check this address for the most up-to-date version of this document. This document is linked to "ILC Wiki" at
Timeline goals: The first draft was
produced before the September 22 meeting of GDE executive committee.
goal: update and reconfigure this document to the format suggested by
GDE, before November 4, 2005.
of baseline
for two IRs: two BDSs, 20/2mrad, 2 detectors, 2 longitudinally separated IR
of alternative configuration for two IRs
of configuration for single IR case updated November
2: single IR/BDS, collider hall long enough for two push-pull
crossing angle 14 mrad added October
of BDS configurations (20,14,2,0mr) for various criteria added November
specific to 20 and 2mrad baseline and 14mrad and head-on alternatives added November 2
baseline added November 2
alternative added November 2
baseline added November 2
alternative (el.-separator) added
November 2
alternative (rf kicker) added
November 2
of BDS and its subsystems
sequence and design features
extraction line, MPS, E-error and betatron error diagnostics updated November 9
and Backgrounds
and IR magnets for 20mrad
Extraction Line
Extraction Line
cavity system updated November
stability added October 29
dump system
Energy Measurements
Polarization Measurements
not yet described
This text represents recommendations from WG4 to GDE towards the ILC BCD/ACD,
and is based on pre-Snowmass BCD [Pre_Snowmass_BCD]
and on the materials discussed during Snowmass 2005 [WG4_Snowmass_Agenda,WG4_Snowmass_Summary].
This text will evolve and will be updated to include new results of
post-Snowmass work. (In particular, the recent progress reported at Nanobeam
workshop in October 2005 is included.) The goal of this document is to describe
the Beam Delivery baseline configuration, give justifications for baseline,
describe R&D needed for baseline; as well as describe possible alternatives
and benefits they can provide, describe R&D needed for alternatives. This
document will address the questions [Snowmass_decision_list]
posed by GDE during Snowmass (the
responses are highlighted below as {GDE#N}), as described in [WG4_20050823]
and [WG4_20050825]
but will go beyond this list, approaching the complete document as outlined in
building the foundation for RDR.
The present BDS design is being evaluated for various ILC parameter sets [Raubenheimer_20050228].
The nominal parameters for 500GeV and 1TeV CM are acceptable. However, the
parameter sets which have large beamstrahlung, may turn out to be
problematic from the point of view of extraction line energy acceptance
and from background (pairs hitting vertex) point of view. In particular, the
high Lumi 1TeV parameter set is not working and an alternative set was suggested
This alternative set pushes the vertical emittance and thus affects DR &
LET working groups. Similarly, an alternative parameter set for high L
500GeV CM will be suggested soon. Some other parameter (e.g. Low P) may have the
same problems with high beamstrahlung and associated power loss in extraction
line (not yet evaluated in details). In terms of the effect of different
parameter sets on background, the low Q option is most preferable (but may be
a concern for DR working group, as it pushes number of bunches), while the
large Y size, low P and high L are much less preferable, especially at 1TeV. In
particular, these three sets seem to exceed the tolerance on hits of the first
layer of vertex detector (assuming CCD technology -- this may affect choice
of technology for vertex detector) [Kozanecki_20050824].
The maximal energy to which the hardware, layout, design
of BDS beamlines (including in particular the extraction lines and SC quad) is
specified, need to be defined. This is important, in particular, because higher
energy can be reached in the linac with reduced current, provided that cavities
can withstand increased gradient. Should this max energy be strictly 500GeV,
1TeV, or 35/31.5*1TeV? This affects, and feedback expected from, other
working groups, in particular Parameters. {This is response to GDE#2}
Required R&D
-- continue studies of various
parameter sets, including alternative sets, on BDS and detector performance
-- develop alternative high Lumi parameter set for 500GeV
-- study how the limit of max operating energy is
affecting BDS design optimization
The recommendation for the BDS baseline have been chosen taking into account
the recommendation of the particle physics community [ILCSC_scope],
which requested that ILC will have two interaction regions, which could
possibly focus on different physics programs, and allow for different approaches
to the search for new physics. The paradigm of two IRs (and, independently, two
detectors) is being recently revisited, and is being discussed by the whole
community. Possible configurations for the case of a single IR will be discussed
Baseline for two IRs: two BDSs, 20/2mrad,
2 detectors, 2 longitudinally separated IR halls
{GDE#5 &
The baseline configuration for the case of
two IRs consists of two Beam Delivery Systems with crossing angle 20mrad and
2mrad, two detectors, two independent and longitudinally separated IR halls [WG4_Snowmass_Summary].
The large crossing angle IR features stable and mature design, separate incoming
& extraction beamlines which allow achieving high luminosity, clean upstream
& downstream diagnostics, expect to provide good operational margins and
flexibility, minimizing the risk to achieve nominal parameters, is upgradeable
for gamma-gamma, but has somewhat larger backgrounds. The small crossing angle
IR provides better background and better detector hermeticity, but achieve lower
luminosity than other IR, the downstream diagnostics may have higher background,
the design is more constrained and operation may be more difficult.
Longitudinal separation of collider halls in the baseline
configuration (dZ about 130m) provide possibility to build or upgrade one
detector while another is taking data. This decision may affect other
groups. In particular, with collider hall separated longitudinally and with
undulator e+ source, there may be difficulties providing collisions at both
detectors with different ( /2 or *2 ) time separation if the fast (train to
train) interleaved operation is considered. However, assuming that fast
interleaved operation is excluded, and that DR need to have turn-around for
feed-forward, it should be possible to provide collisions in both IRs regardless
of train structure (this may need building additional turn-around beamlines).
The linacs in the baseline layout are pointing to the large crossing angle IR.
This is configuration choice which does not a priori preclude multi-TeV upgrade.
This may be a necessary but not sufficient condition to provide multi-TeV
compatibility. Other requirements will be discussed below in the section
"Multi-TeV issues".
Design of the optics for the baseline
is in advanced stage. Optics files for both IRs, for incoming and extraction
beamlines are available [BDS_optics].
Geant or equivalent models of IR regions are being developed [BDS_IR_models]
The R&D which a specific to the baseline
configuration choice are briefly the following. The compact SC quads and crab
cavity for 20mrad IR, and large aperture SC quads and special extraction septum
quads for 2mrad IR. The compact SC quads are being developed at BNL and recently
demonstrated and exceeded the design gradient with 38cm short prototype [Parker_20050816],
while the work on a longer prototype and preparation for stability study of such
quad are under way. The crab-cavity design will build up upon the 3.9GHz
deflection cavity being developed at Fermilab. Development of large aperture SC
magnets within LARP program and at Saclay are relevant for 2mrad IR design
[Napoly_20050816], while r&d on extraction magnets for 2mrad IR yet has to
be started. (See more details on these r&d in sections "IR magnets" and
"Crab cavity systems").
Discussion of alternative
configuration for two IRs case
{GDE#5 &
While the group has consensus on the
baseline for the case of two IRs being 20/2mrad configuration, discussion for
single IR case is ongoing. First of all, either 20mrad or 2mrad could be a
candidate for a single IR.
In addition, several
alternatives were discussed at Snowmass. The earlier design of head-on scheme,
where a number of problems were identified by the TRC study [ILC_TRC2],
has recently been reconsidered with attempts to improve it. In one case the
electrostatic separator was suggested to be replaced by an rf-kicker [Iwashita_20050818],
which however introduced severe MPS concerns and other issues. In another case,
the extraction optics was modified so that the kick required from electrostatic
separator was reduced about twice [Keller_20050818],
improving its feasibility even at 1TeV. There are number of issues with this
design: full design of extraction line is absent; it is not clear if downstream
diagnostics would be possible; requirements on pressure (~1nTorr) in the
separator are tight; radiative bhabha’s are hitting the separator plates; there
are parasitic bunch crossing. Would these issues be solved, and required r&d
successful (see below) the head-on configuration may give somewhat simpler
design of the forward region and somewhat smaller background; simpler FD and
extraction magnets; absence of the need for crab crossing. At Snowmass, the
group did not achieve consensus whether the issues outweigh possible benefits,
therefore the head-on configuration remained an alternative choice to be studied
in more details.
One more alternative, which can replace
either 20mrad or 2mrad IR in the two IR baseline, or which can be considered for
single IR scenario, is an intermediate crossing angle (10-15mrad) solution. This
configuration was suggested as candidate for further studies, both by WG4 and by
detector concept groups. It would be based on the same compact SC quad design
developed for 20mrad, will allow maintaining separate incoming & extraction
beamlines and thus to achieve high luminosity and be flexible in operation,
should allow for clean downstream diagnostics, it may not preclude multi-TeV
with proper linac layout & parameters, and the backgrounds may be very
similar as in 2mrad. Also, the intermediate crossing angle solution would ease
the crab cavity and would allow removing the need for DID (Detector Integrated
Dipole) which may improve background and ease operation of TPC (Time Projection
Chamber). Reverse polarity DID may also become possible, which could further
improve background. The intermediate crossing angle solution, however, is
unlikely to be gamma-gamma compatible, at least not with those luminosity
numbers presently quoted.
After Snowmass the group
concentrated its work on the design for the intermediate crossing angle. The
complete design of 14mrad alternative was presented at Nanobeam 2005 in October,
including optics of incoming and extraction line, design of FD magnets, Geant
model of IR and background simulations, as well as considerations for upgrade
scenarios from single 14mrad IR to two IRs. (The accessible crossing angle
depends on L*. The 14mrad design matches L*=3.5m, while with L*=4.5m the angle
could be 11mrad).
The additional r&d needed for
head-on alternatives include feasibility study, prototyping and beam tests of
electrostatic separator or rf-kicker. This may require several years. The
r&d for alternatives need to be compared with r&d needed for baseline.
In particular, the large bore SC quads for head-on may be similar as quads for
2mrad; and the r&d for intermediate 10-12mrad is synergic with r&d for
20mrad baseline.
Discussion of configuration for
single IR case
The community as a whole, and WG4 in
particular, have started discussion of the single IR configuration at Snowmass.
This question may be decoupled from the question of the number of detectors if a
push-pull detector configuration would be possible. The staging scenario, when
second IR is built much later, during upgrade, should also be discussed in this
The main argument for single IR case is the cost
of additional beamlines, detector and civil construction. In the staged
scenario, one would also need to consider that second IR and detector could
benefit from experience gained with the first IR and could be designed using
deeper knowledge of the physics needs, resulted from early run of first IR.
The cost of BDS is dominated by cost of beamline
components and detector, so the cost benefit from reducing number of IRs would
be well predictable. The conventional facility cost saving is most significant
for deep tunnel configuration, while in the near surface configuration,
especially with single collider hall, the cost difference of tunnels for 2nd IR
may be rather small, since construction technology may anyway require removing
soil in the entire BDS area wider than tunnel separation, and then rebuilding
the tunnel structure. In this case, one can envision either building tunnels for
two IRs at start, and not using them, or including provisions in the tunnel
design (special tunnel stubs) which would facilitate building additional IR
tunnels in future. Thus, one or two IRs decision is very site specific, and in
particular in the shallow site case, it may be deferred.
With respect to IR design for the single IR case, it is important to note that
with two IR configuration, which complement each other, one may allow (i.e. the
overall performance would not be compromised) one of IRs be more risky in terms
of machine performance in expectation of better backgrounds and detector
hermeticity. However, with one IR configuration, one need to put the overall
performance, reliability and operability on the first place. With single IR the
optimal baseline may be neither 20mrad nor 2mrad. The intermediate crossing
angle with compact SC quads may turn out to be the best choice. At Snowmass, the
group suggested that one need more work (2-3month for design study) and wider
discussion to come up with recommendation for the baseline for the single IR
case. (After Snowmass, the design for intermediate crossing angle was produced
and presented at Nanobeam 2005, see corresponding section
Taking these considerations into account, the
group suggested, at Snowmass, to study the following two alternatives for IR
Alternative 1: two BDSs, 20/2mrad, 2
detectors in single IR hall @ Z=0
In this case, the
difference from the baseline is that there is no second interaction hall and
both detector are housed in the single large hall without longitudinal offset of
IPs. The single collider hall gives civil engineering savings, and absence of
longitudinal separation of IPs would ease handling of different bunch patterns.
However, detectors are placed in the same collider hall and there may be issues
of vibration and operational & installation constraints for the running
detector while another one is assembled or upgraded. Moreover, transverse
separation of the IPs (equal to 21m in the baseline) may have to be increased to
fit the detector sizes and about five meters of removable shielding. Increasing
transverse separation may involve lengthening the BDS.
Alternative 2: single IR/BDS, collider
hall long enough for two push-pull detectors
In this
case, there is single IR, single BDS, and long (in direction transverse to the
beam) collider hall that can house two push-pull detectors. The pro arguments
are again the cost savings, ease of handling of different bunch patterns. The
con arguments are again the vibration issues and operational & installation
constraints. One need to stress also that even if the crossing angle of the
single IR is compatible with gamma-gamma, the gamma-gamma may not be feasible
since it would need long & invasive modifications of IR implying very long
switch-over time, which may not be scientifically affordable. One the positive
note one need to stress that this configuration could be transformed
adiabatically or upgraded into alternative 1, if required by physics. In that
case the additional tunnels for second IR could be built with desired
configuration (small, intermediate or large angle, for e+e- or gamma-gamma) and
that 2nd IR could be optimized using experience gained with 1st IR. Again, the
question of one or two detectors is decoupled from the question of one or two
IRs if push-pull technology is feasible and short switch-over time can be
provided. Number of studies are needed to understand technical feasibility &
implication of supporting two push-pull detectors (e.g. constructability of long
IR hall, whether Final Doublet needs to be part of detector for faster detector
exchange, etc.).
Intermediate crossing angle 14
Design of intermediate crossing angle (14mrad at
L*=3.51m) has been presented in mid October at Nanobeam 2005. The design
includes optics of incoming and extraction line [Nanobeam_Markiewicz_20051019],
design of FD magnets [Nanobeam_Parker_20051018,
IR optics optimization and background simulations [Nanobeam_Seryi_IR_20051019],
as well as considerations for civil engineering upgrade scenarios from single
14mrad IR to two IRs [Nanobeam_Seryi_Civil_20051019]
with small or larger crossing angle of the second IR. The IR final quads are
based on self-shielding concept [Parker_20050818,
which eliminates the field interference between beamlines. The IR magnets are
shown in Fig.1
and Fig.2
(taken from B.Parker summary [Nanobeam_Parker_20051021])
and are based on tested prototype, see Fig.3.
The 14mrad crossing angle reduces the SR effects, allowing greater flexibility
in optimization of vertical orbit and background, which now can be as low as in
2mrad IR, see Fig.4
and [Nanobeam_Markiewicz_20051019,
Ranking example: "best A, B and C, then D, worst E". In this case all A,B,C have the same high rank, D would be intermediate rank (separated by "then"), and E would be the worst rank.
Rank 1 – directly affecting energy and luminosity reach, background and precision measurements of beam properties:
Rank 2 – may affect energy, luminosity and background indirectly, e.g. via reliability of operation (integrated luminosity):
Rank 3 – compatibility with other physics programs and upgrades (Should this category be moved to higher rank?):
Rank 4 – affecting only cost, difficulty of r&d and of the design:
Common items are not listed (see subsystems chapters below). Items listed mean detail engineering & prototyping, except when it says “study, evaluate or design” which means paper & engineering study. Text in () gives present status. If parenthesis () are absent, the activity still need to be started. Ranking of the R&D items (e.g. as TRCs R1-R3) is planned to be done.
Head-on design alternative (with electrostatic separator, reduced strength):
Head-on design alternative (with rf kicker):
The following sections review properties of beamlines and systems such as feedbacks, beam dumps, and other, highlight baseline choices and existing alternatives, and list the required R&D.
Beamline sequence and design
The sequence of beamline sections in the
baseline optics is the following: linac, beam emittance diagnostics and coupling
correction section, tune-up and emergency extraction beamline, beam switch yard,
upstream polarization diagnostics section, betatron collimation, energy
collimation, upstream energy spectrometer, final focus proper with secondary
clean-up collimation and with tail-folding octupoles, the final doublet,
extraction beamline with downstream energy and polarization diagnostics, beam
dump. The final focus optics is with local chromaticity correction {GDE#40}. The range of L* (distance
from IP to final quadrupole) considered for studies is 3.5 to 4.5m {GDE#34}. The betatron collimation
precedes the energy collimation so that off-energy debris from betatron
collimation could be cleaned out in the downstream energy collimator {GDE#37}. The tail-folding octupoles
are included into baseline and allow to open the collimation gaps by about a
factor of three, which provides an additional safety factor, but they are not
relied upon in the baseline. {GDE#35}
considered BDS baseline assumes that there is no vertical angle between linac
and BDS and the nearest region of vertical bends is at least one kilometer away
from beginning of BDS. This is a safety factor that would ease extension of BDS
if, for example, additional collimation sections found to be necessary {GDE#4}.
baseline assumes that there is no undulator source at the end of the linac,
before BDS. The recommendation by WG3a to place the undulator source at the
very end of the linac contradicts the considered BDS baseline. Would it
indeed be placed there, the number of adverse effects and integration issues
will arise (see snapshot of discussion here [BDS_mtg_20051101]),
requiring detailed studies. {GDE#8}
planned at the ATF2 facility will give opportunity to gain experience with local
chromaticity correction optics, instrumentation and other BDS aspects.
Updated November 9, 2005.
The beamline described in this section is located at the end of the main linac at the entry to the BDS and serves several purposes:
Corresponding to these goals, this beamline is subject to the following design choices:
Required R&D
-- Develop laserwire with one micron
spot-size, tripled light, f/1 optics
-- Study detection of
laserwire signal with scattered photons or electrons
Design a system of consumable (renewable?) devices to limit the amplitude of
betatron orbit errors
-- Design a system to reliably
determine betatron and energy errors
Section updated September 19, 2005. Primary authors responsible for this section: N.Mokhov, F.Jackson
The baseline collimation design for the ILC BDS is an adaptation of the NLC scheme [LCC52,LCC111]. The design implies a betatron collimation section followed by energy collimators. Octupole pairs are located to perform beam-tail folding which relaxes collimation requirements {GDE#35}. The collimation system [Mokhov_Conf_05_154] consists of spoiler/absorber pairs, arranged to survive impact from errant bunches which escape the machine protection fast extraction system. Additional protection collimators are located elsewhere in the BDS providing local protection of components and absorption of scattered halo particles, while synchrotron radiation masks in the immediate vicinity of the interaction point (IP) protect the collider detector components. The BDS crossing angle does not greatly affect the design of the collimation system, but may impact issues affecting the collimation depth.
In the baseline design, degraded energy particles originating from betatron collimation section (and not absorbed there) may be collected by the energy collimator {GDE#37}. Alternative ordering of betatron and energy collimation sections in this design has not been studied. However, a comparison has been done of the collimation designs of NLC and TESLA, which have opposite ordering of energy collimation and betatron collimation. In this study [LCC111] the NLC collimation performance was found to be superior.
The spoilers are 0.5 to 1 X0 (radiation length) thick, absorbers and synchrotron radiation masks are 30 X0, and protection collimators (PC) are 15 X0. The betatron collimation with 'survivable' spoilers included into baseline has advantage that these spoilers can withstand hit of two bunches at 250 GeV/beam, matching the emergency extraction design goal [Keller_20041015]. They can survive one bunch at 500 GeV. The survivable spoilers are more demanding for the optics (more difficult tuning, tighter tolerances). The alternative is to use consumable spoilers which ease the optics, but require more R & D in terms of renewable spoiler design, development of damage detection, study of MPS issues, etc.
The studies of the dynamic heat load show that most of energy among the beam line elements is deposited in the protection collimators PC1, PC5, PC8 and PC9. The residual activation and radiation damage in the magnets downstream of those is in excess of the limits if the length of the PCs is kept 15 X0 as originally proposed. For example, an averaged residual dose on-contact after 30 days of irradiation and one day of cooling on the front surface of the first quadrupole downstream of PC1 is as high as 7.7 mSv/hr compared to the limit of 1 mSv/hr. The absorbed dose in quadrupole coils reaches 300 MGy/yr compared to the coil insulation limit of about 4 MGy, meaning a lifetime of only a few days. This forced us to increase the PC's length to 45 X0 (about 60 cm of copper) resulting in the coil lifetime of at least several years. Dynamic heat load distribution obtained with the MARS15 code after the collimator optimization gives acceptable loads for the magnets, about 50 W/m for spoilers, and about 10 kW/m for the protection collimators PC1, PC5, PC8 and PC9. (The loss and radiation numbers correspond to conservative assumption of 0.1% for the beam halo population.)
Collimation depths (based on halo synchtrotron radiation clearance through IR apertures) have been studied for the current 20mrad and 2mrad final doublet designs [Jackson_20050816,Carter_20050816]. Although the aperture constraints are different in each case (extraction quadrupoles for 20mrad, beam calorimeter for 2 mrad), the collimation depths are the roughly the same in both (~10 sigx in the x plane and ~60-80 sigy in the y plane). In the 20 mrad deck these correspond to betatron spoiler gaps of ~1 mm in the x plane, ~ 0.5 mm in the y plane.
The performance of the 20 mrad collimation system has been studied in halo tracking simulations [Jackson_20050816,Carter_20050816,Drozhdin_BDIR2005]. These demonstrate a reasonable performance of the collimation system. Some halo repopulation outside the collimation depth is evident, particularly in the x-plane, which can be remediated by reducing the spoilers x-apertures. The 2 mrad lattice has not yet been studied, or optimized for collimation yet.
The most important R & D subjects affecting the collimation baseline are as follows:
R&D for alternative with consumable spoilers
renewable spoiler design and prototyping
-- development
of damage detection
-- study of MPS issues
A lot of muons are generated - predominantly as Bethe-Heitler pairs - in electromagnetic showers induced in the collimators and other BDS elements during the beam halo cleaning. Fluxes of these muons accompanied by other secondary particles, could exceed the tolerable levels at the detector by a few orders of magnitude [Mokhov_Conf_05_154]. Calculated with the MARS code muon flux equals to 4.1 1/cm^2 s^-1, or 7600 muons in the tunnel aperture for 150 bunches from one beam (with halo population 0.1%). This is to be compared to a few muons allowed in such a sensitivity window. The mean energy of these muons is about 27~GeV. About 700000 photons and 200000 electrons accompany these muons at the detector. The fluxes doubles for energetic muons for two beams.
Magnetized spoilers sealing the tunnel would reduce muon fluxes substantially. MARS calculations were performed for two iron spoilers 9 and 18 m thick at 648 and 331 m from the IP, respectively [Mokhov_Conf_05_154]. The square spoilers are extended by 0.6 m in the tunnel walls and dirt on each side. The field of 1.5 T is used in opposite polarity on left and right sides to compensate it at the beam pipe center. Central gaps are 10 cm wide and 1 m high with 0.8 T field. The gap between the parts is as the beam pipe. This set of spoilers reduces muon background load on the detector from 7600 to 2.2, i.e. to about an acceptable level. Other particle fluxes coming from the tunnel are also down in about the same proportion.
Two alternatives to the muon tunnel spoilers need to be investigated: muon attenuator (about 120m long collar at with 1T field, 0.6m OD) and wide-aperture magnets.
The most important R & D subjects in this area are as follows:
(Text of this subsection may need to
be moved to extraction section).
MARS simulations confirm that
synchrotron photons produced from the beam core and halo upstream of the IP are
collimated by the photon masks and - with an appropriate design - their
contribution to backgrounds and radiation loads to extraction line components is
negligible. Same with beamstrahlung photons which form a very narrow beam. e+e-
pairs and synchrotron photons generated by disrupted beam remain the main source
of the IP backgrounds and radiation loads to detector, final focus and
extraction components.
At high luminosity and 120-nm vertical offset total radiation load in extraction beam line is 13.3 kW with a 600 W/m peak. Without a vertical offset, these numbers are a factor of ten lower. This is to be compared to estimated tolerance levels of 10 W/m for superconducting magnets and a few hundred W/m for conventional magnets.
Section updated September 19, 2005, with IR magnets description by B.Parker. Need to expand IR description. Primary authors responsible for this section: B.Parker, Y.Nosochkov, K.Tsuchiya, T.Mihara
The compact SC quads provide possibility to focus the incoming and outgoing
beam independently, maximizing the luminosity performance and minimizing the
losses of the disrupted beam. Expanded description of compact superconducting
magnets for 20mrad baseline IR (or for intermediate crossing angle) is given in
This includes description of BNL direct wind technology, details of engineering
design, characteristics of the quads for incoming and outgoing beamlines, plans
for stability study of such magnet, etc. A short 38cm prototype of SC QD0 has
been built and successfully tested [Parker_20050816,Parker_20050915],
exceeding the expectation for the design gradient.
self-shielded design of QD0 has been recently suggested, which allows reduction
of crossing angle [Parker_20050818,Parker_20050823,Parker_20050913],
and will be used for development of intermediate crossing angle alternatives.
The 14mrad IR based on self shielded compact quad was
designed, see section Intermediate
crossing angle 14mrad.
Section updated September 25, 2005. Primary authors responsible for this section: Y.Nosochkov
The 20 mrad extraction design [Nosochkov_20050817_20mrad] is based on the independent beamline for the spent beams, without shared FF magnets. The outgoing primary e+(e-) beam and the beamstrahlung photons are transported through the same extraction magnets to a shared 18.3 MW dump. The optics consists of the initial DFDF quadrupole system followed by the two vertical diagnostic chicanes and two protection collimators before the dump. The first four quadrupoles after IP will be superconducting followed by warm magnets downstream. A 2 m space after the last SC quadrupole is reserved to accommodate the crab-cavity on the incoming line. The extraction apertures and quadrupole focusing are optimized for a large energy acceptance to minimize the disrupted beam loss caused by overfocusing in the low energy tail. The magnet apertures are sufficient for a photon beam with up to ±1.25 mrad angle at IP. The optics provides the 2nd focal point with the required beam size of s < 100 µm for the Compton polarimeter diagnostics [Moffeit_SLACPUB11322]. The extraction magnets are compatible with up to 1 TeV CM beams.
The first SC extraction quadrupole QDEX1 is placed side-by-side with the first SC incoming quadrupole QD0 at L* = 3.51 m after IP. This choice is based on the SC compact quadrupole design [Parker_20050915] which makes it possible to have independent SC coils with a small transverse separation. The QDEX1 has a low strength to limit its residual field on the incoming line and built-in correction coils to compensate for QD0 residual field on the extraction line. The first diagnostic chicane will serve as the energy spectrometer. It will include wiggler magnets to produce synchrotron radiation at ±2 mrad directions to measure the average beam energy using SR stripe detectors. The polarization measurement will be performed by a Compton polarimeter, with the Compton IP located at the 2nd focus at center of the second chicane. The horizontal angular amplification term R22 from the IP to the Compton IP is adjusted close to -0.5 for maximum sensitivity to the measured effects. A long 170 m drift is included before the dump to increase the undisrupted beam size. Further increase of this size is required for a realistic dump design [Walz_20050817]. This can be achieved by a longer drift and/or the use of beam rastering. The two collimators before the dump serve to limit the size of the disrupted beam and the beamstrahlung photons to the 15×15 cm size of the dump window [Walz_20050817].
It has been shown that the effect of detector solenoid on the extraction optics and beam loss can be compensated using dipole and quadrupole correcting coils on the first SC quadrupoles [Nosochkov_20050510]. The particle tracking [Nosochkov_20050817_20mrad, Drozhdin_20mr_extr, Ferrari_20050831] showed that the primary beam loss in magnets is acceptable in the 0.5 TeV and 1 TeV CM nominal luminosity options. The power loss in the 0.5 TeV CM high luminosity option and the two alternative 1 TeV CM high luminosity options [Seryi_20050817] may be acceptable, provided that the loss of ~500 W/m in warm magnets is acceptable. The 0.5 TeV CM high luminosity option will require a larger aperture in the 3rd and 4th SC quadrupoles to reduce loss to 2 W/m in these quadrupoles. The maximum loss of the charged and photon beams on the collimators is 5 kW and 200 kW (per collimator) in the nominal and high luminosity options, respectively.
R&D (magnets):
1. SC compact quadrupole with correcting
2. Large aperture warm chicane bends.
R&D (optics): to be
updated! Some work done and presented at Nanobeam, see [Nanobeam_Markiewicz_20051019]
Design extraction optics for 14 mrad crossing angle and position of the first
extraction quadrupole at 6 m after IP. (DONE)
2. Increase free space for the
SC crab-cavity. (DONE)
3. Include BPMs and correctors where needed.
Evaluate effects of magnet field and alignment errors on beam loss and
diagnostics, specify tolerances, provide correction.
5. Specify realistic
magnet parameters: field and length for required aperture.
6. Include
solenoid, anti-solenoid and DID fields, provide correction.
7. Include
diagnostic wigglers and weak bends.
8. Consider protection collimators for
magnets with large power loss.
Section updated September 19, 2005. Minor updates November 9. Primary authors responsible for this section: D.Angal-Kalinin, R.Appleby, K. Kubo, N.Mokhov
The 2 mrad extraction optics [Angal-Kalinin_20050816]
is based on large aperture superconducting QD0 magnet (the technology of this
magnet is described in BCD for 2 mrad IR magnets) and a warm pocket coil
quadrupole QF1 [Spencer_Parker_20050524].
Very large aperture superconducting sextupoles are required to provide focussing
to the low energy tail particles, the studies of such large bore sextupoles have
already started [Kashikhin_20050419].
L* of 4.5m has been considered in this case to accommodate the superconducting
large aperture magnets. The final doublet is optimized for both the incoming as
well as the outgoing beam. The collimation depth for this doublet is sufficient
The large aperture special magnets; either warm Panofsky or the superconducting
super septum [Spencer_Parker_20050524]
starting at a distance of ~36 m from the IP contain the extracted beam and the
beamstralung cone. Separate warm magnets start from ~47m. The optics contains
energy cleanup chicane in the vertical plane, followed by the energy
spectrometry and polarimeter chicanes [Moffeit_20050422,Nosochkov_20050817].
The beam is made parallel to the IP at the second focus for polarimetry. A long
drift space after the polarimetry chicane provides enough separation (~3.5m)
between the incoming and extracted beams for the beam dump. This drift also
helps to increase the beam size of undisrupted beam at the window. However,
additional sweeping/rastering mechanism needs to be included in this design to
achieve the beam sizes as required for the beam dump and beam window [Maslov_TESLA2001_07,Walz_20050809].
Throughout the extraction line, dedicated collimation sections have been
provided to control beam loss. The optics design has been optimized to localize
beam losses on the collimators and minimize them on magnets [Drozhdin_20mr_extr].
Estimated beam loss rates on the extraction line magnets can reach tens to
hundreds of Watts per meter [Mokhov_private_comm].
A table of tolerable beam losses and radiation loads on superconducting and
conventional magnets of types envisioned in the extraction line needs to be
generated [Mokhov_private_comm].
Detector Integrated Dipole is not required for 2 mrad case and the orbit and
angle correction will be done by moving the final doublet.
The possible locations of the IP feedback BPMs need to be
identified, taking into account also the background conditions [Hartin_20050818].
For 2mrad, the feedback BPM may need to be located in front of the FD, where the
envelope of outgoing beam is still small. The outgoing beam comes to this BPM
with an offset and is separated in time from incoming beam. One need to study
the possibility to detect the BPM signal in this situation. Preliminary study
show that using directional stripline BPMs one can achieve sufficient separation
between signals [BDS_mtg_smith_20050329].
For the IP feedback, a kicker need to be included into FD
as close as possible to QD0 (to maximize the feedback capture range) [BDS_mtg_seryi_20051004].
For 2mrad case, the kicker aperture should be about 180mm. Preliminary studies
show that the kicker is feasible [BDS_mtg_smith_20051101].
The optics studies indicate that it is possible to get a good bandwidth for the final focus optics for the long doublet used in this case [Seryi_20050811]. The preliminary studies also indicate that it is possible to use the 2 mrad extraction scheme for the e-e- operation [Seryi_20050812].
R&D, prototypes required:
1. Super septum and Panofsky
2. Large aperture sextupoles [final doublet quadrupoles including
pocket coil quadrupole need to be mentioned in IR magnets section of the
3. Detector integration of large aperture quadrupoles and sextupoles
within the detector [based on the feedback on detector opening procedure].
Study possibility to integrate feedback BPM into FD and detect its signal in
presence of large offset and of the incoming beam.
5. Integration of the
large aperture feedback kicker into FD.
Further Studies :
1. Generate a table of tolerable beam losses and
radiation loads on superconducting and conventional magnets
2. Optimization
of the extraction optics and collimator designs to minimize the losses on the
extraction line magnets
3. Possible range of 3.5m<L*<5m
4. Orbit
and angle correction at the IP
5. Include solenoid field in to the
6. Design final doublet with QD0 gradient of 250T/m based on the
Nb3Ti technology
7. Mitigation of radiation loads on incoming and outgoing
beam SC magnets
Section updated September 20, 2005. Minor updates November 9. Primary authors responsible for this section: G.Burt, P.Goudket, H.Padamsee, L.Bellatoni
For a large crossing angle at the IP a crab cavity
system is required in the baseline to increase the luminosity by horizontally
rotating the bunch by half the crossing angle, without deflecting the bunch or
greatly increasing the beam emittance. In the 20 mrad case the luminosity loss
without a crab cavity is 80% [Burt_EuroTeV].
In 2mrad case, the loss is 10-15% with nominal parameters
and the loss can reach about 30% for large sigma Y parameter set [Seryi_20050310].
Luminosity loss in 2mrad can be avoided with use of dispersion at the IP,
however it requires introducing additional correlated energy spread and causes
higher energy bias (100-200ppm) of the luminosity spectrum [Seryi_20050310].
Therefore, crab cavity considered essential for 2mrad as well.
The crab-cavity will be placed near FD in 20mrad case,
and approximately in the region of QF5 quadrupole (about 400m from IP) in 2mrad
case (for the reason of transverse separation with another beam, see [BDS_mtg_seryi_20041207]).
To avoid deflecting the bunch the phase of the cavities must be highly
The ILC bunches require, at 500GeV and for a
20mrad crossing angle, a transverse kick equivalent to approximately 6.5MV for
3.9GHz cavities (19.5MV for 1.3GHz). The phase jitter between crab cavities
should be less than 0.07 degrees for a 3.9GHz system or 0.02 degrees for a
1.3GHz system, with a 20mrad crossing angle [Burt_EuroTeV].
Cavity baseline:
Fermilab 3.9GHz CKM superconductive cavity [McAshan_TM2144,Solyak_LINAC04]
three/four 9-cell cavities running at 6MV/m placed near the Final Doublet. The
total length of this cavity should be about 4m long and has an aperture diameter
of 30mm.
Issues: This cavity may not be rigid
enough to keep microphonics to the required level. Lower order mode coupler lies
11mm from centre of the beampipe. ILC application requires redesign of coupler
to open the aperture.
Justification: This cavity
has been under development for several years, and its research program is at an
advanced stage.
R&D required: Cryostat design
including cavity tuner, x-y tuner and roll tuner. Effective damping of LOM,
damping of modes (SOM) within pass-band of primary deflecting mode and reliable
separation of unwanted polarization of deflecting mode, beam pipe HOM coupler
for high frequency modes above beam pipe cut-off frequency, search for trapped
modes, beam loading. Multipacting simulations in cavity and coupler regions for
the deflecting mode operation. Microphonics/rigidity. Evaluation of losses in
the crab cavity region as a function of aperture. Evaluation of crab cavity
length on extraction line design.
Alternatives: 13
cell CKM, CKM with larger aperture (~5m), NC (normal conducting) cavity
(4.5metres) [Adolphsen_20050301],
1.3GHz cavity (~9 meters), 3.9GHz redesigned lower loss shape (~3.5 meters),
stiffening rings.
Phase control and Distribution baseline:
Fast phase control based
on FPGA (field-programmable gate array) with vector-sum phase control driven by
two 3kW klystrons with one modulator.
Issues: The
use of two klystrons can induce jitter due to the klystrons phase stability.
Justification: This is a well-developed and tested
fast phase control system.
R&D required:
Working system built at the operating frequency. Piezo tuners. Distribution
test; the full length of line should be tested for phase jitter. Cavity phase
stability tests: The phase jitter between two or more cavities should be tested
both with and without a beam at full power.
Alternatives: High power ferrite phase shifters driven by a single high
power klystron, 2nd klystron phase control at high power, individual cavity
phase control, RF reference distribution using fiber optics [Naito_PAC2001],
use of IOTs (inductive output tube) instead of klystrons if the frequency is
The fast beam-beam intra-train feedback is a must and is baseline, as well as
slower train-by-train feedback. The alternative is to consider additional
intra-train feedback loops at the entrance to BDS and throughout the linac.
Baseline configuration of final doublet does not have any active means of its
mechanical stabilization, but includes vibration measurement of FD as part of
the baseline. This would give diagnostic for fast beam-beam feedback, may reduce
commissioning time and may improve feedback convergence time. Possible
implementations include accelerometer on cryostat, interferometry from cold mass
to cryostat and interferometry from the cold mass to an external reference
(invasive but by far the best). One of the most challenging tasks in design of
fast feedback is its integration into IR, taking into account background
conditions [Hartin_20050818],
realistic constraints on kicker location and apertures [BDS_mtg_seryi_20051004,
and all engineering details of FD.
The needed r&d
includes prototype of the intra-train feedback, being done at ATF and
ATF2, beam-test of BPMs in realistic background conditions planned to be
performed at ESA, design work on incorporating kicker and BPM hardware into the
final doublet, developments of methods to monitor FD stability, e.g. by means of
interferometry (tests ongoing at UBC and planned at ATF). For the alternative
configuration when additional feedbacks are used, feasibility studies and
optimization will be necessary.
The issue which define whether ILC can work with baseline feedback
configuration (intratrain feedback at IP only) depends on the achieved ILC
stability. The need for a stability specifications for ILC was one of the
actions items identified at Snowmass, at the joint WG1/WG4 meeting. The ILC
stability goals were discussed at Nanobeam 2005 workshop on October 17-21, see
Suggested stability goals for the beam jitter, in a brief summary, are the
following: up to 50% sigma at the end of linac (or in BDS diagnostics); up to
100% sigma at the end of BDS, before FD; several sigmas at IP. These goals will
be consistent with baseline feedback configuration. The beam stability goals
translates to required stability of the tunnel floor and give limit to
additional noise due to beamline components, namely:
Tunnel floor stability (site + noise of nearby ILC equipment):
Linac area: up to ground motion model K or C
BDS area: up to ground motion B*3 or gm C/3
Additional noise due to beamline
Linac area: up to 30
BDS area : up to 10
FD : up to ~100nm
Exceeding these stability limits will likely require using
multiple intratrain feedbacks along the machine. These stability
requirements need to to be discussed and set consistently by the DR, Linac and
BDS groups.
R&D required :
-- studies of stability of
-- investigation and minimization of vibration
produced by conventional facility, power supplies, and other in- and near-tunnel
-- studies and minimization of noises generated
at or amplified by the beamline elements in linac and BDS, in particular linac
quads in the cryostats and BDS magnets
-- studies and
optimization of stability properties of final doublet.
Section updated September 20, 2005. Primary authors responsible for this section: R.Appleby, D.Walz, R.Sugahara/S.Ban
The baseline beam dump is based on water vortex design rated for 18MW beam
The choice of a water dump for the baseline has many advantages: the water dump
has been studied in detail for accelerator projects and a lower power (2MW) beam
dump was used at the SLC [Walz_IEEE1965].
Furthermore the problems of the larger dump design have been noted, and the
studies indicate there are no “show-stoppers”. The water dump for the TESLA
project was studied in detail at DESY [Bialowons_TESLA200104].
The alternatives suggested in the ACD require more R+D to be sufficiently mature
for a baseline design. The beam dump is common for charged beam and photons for
the 20mrad interaction region layout, while for 2mrad layout the photon dump is
separate (rated to about 1MW). There are separate beam dumps rated for full
power for all beam lines including tune-up lines, for a total of six beam dumps
in the baseline. The water flow is sufficient to avoid volume boiling of the
water (for disrupted beam). The vacuum/water boundary consists of a suitably
thin window. The cyclic stress of the window is controlled by limiting the
temperature rise per pulse of the water system. The undisrupted beam size is
allowed to increase in the extraction line, to avoid damaging the window, which
required lengthening the extraction line by a hundred meters or so. Preventing
water boiling due to undisrupted beam has to be done by sweeping the beam in the
final part of the extraction line, as it require large increase of the beam
size, which cannot be realistically done with lengthening the drift length. The
water circuit consists of two closed loops and an external water circuit. The
inner water loop is pressurized to 10bar and has a volume of around 18 cubic
meters. The length of the dump, including all shielding, is about 25m
longitudinally and about 15m transversely.
The required R+D items for the
baseline are a study of window survivability, and the corresponding computation
of the displacement per atom (DPA). A window replacement procedure and schedule
can then be developed. A prototype of the window and a beam test are also
necessary. The required test beam must give similar energy densities in the
window as the full ILC machine. Furthermore, some studies of pressure wave
formation maybe necessary.
The alternative beam dump design is the gas
dump [Leuschner_20030916].
This consists of about 1km of a noble gas (Ar looks the most promising) enclosed
in a water cooled iron jacket. The gas core acts as a scattering target, blowing
the beam up and distributing the energy into the surrounding iron. This gas dump
design may ease some issues such as radiolysis and tritium production, and a gas
profile can be exploited to produce a uniform energy deposition along the length
of the dump. However, other issues arise such as particle beam heating of the
gas and ionization effects [Agapov_20050914].
Further studies needed to understand feasibility and benefits of the gas dump. A
further possibility is a gas/water hybrid dump, involving the use of a shorter
gas dump as a passive beam expander, followed by a small water dump. This option
also required further study. A further possibility is for a rotating solid dump
immersed in water, or a dump based on some kind of liquid metal.
required R+D items for the alternative design are studies of gas heating,
including ionization effects, and a study of radiation and activation effects. A
study of the gas dump windows is also required. A smaller scale prototype of the
dump, and some test beam, would also be required.
Section updated September 19, 2005. Primary authors responsible for this section: E.Torrence, S.Boogert
Precision absolute beam energy measurements are required by the ILC physics program to set the absolute energy scale for measurements of particle masses. In both direct reconstruction and threshold scans, the center-of-mass collision energy needs to be measured to an absolute accuracy below 200 ppm to keep collision energy uncertainties from dominating experimental uncertainties of 50 MeV for both the Higgs and top quark masses. To reach this goal, a target uncertainty of 100 ppm on the absolute beam energy has been set.
In addition to the absolute beam energy measurement, relative measurements of the beam energy pulse-to-pulse along the train at the 100 ppm level are seen to be critically important to keep the variation in beam energy at an acceptable level and mitigate the impact of correlations between beam energy variations and other beam parameters such as luminosity or polarization. Relative measurements of the disrupted energy spectrum made downstream of the interaction point are also seen as useful to provide direct information about the collision process and provide data to validate models of beam-beam effects in the collision process.
To achieve the challenging goal of a 100 ppm absolute beam energy measurement, two independent and complimentary detectors are planned for each beam. Upstream from the IP, a spectrometer with a four-magnet chicane and precision RF-BPMs will be used. This device, an evolution of the LEP-II energy spectrometer [cite], is designed to be capable of making high-precision bunch-to-bunch relative measurements in addition to measuring the absolute beam energy scale. Downstream from the IP, a spectrometer using synchrotron radiation in the style of the SLC WISRD [cite] is planned. This device can also monitor the energy spectrum of the disrupted beams during collisions.
This section may be edited further.
The upstream energy spectrometer is an evolution of the LEP-II spectrometer design. A four-magnet chicane in the instrumentation region (figure link) provides a point of dispersion which can be measured using triplets of high-precision RF BPMs. To avoid emmittance dilution, the maximum bend angle for this chicane is expected to be less than 100 micro-Radians. With a characteristic spectrometer length of about 10 meters, the maximum displacement of the beam will be a few millimeters. To achieve the required spectrometer performance, then, this displacement must be measured to an accuracy and precision below 100 nanometers.
Rather than require the BPMs to achieve this accuracy over a large dynamic range, the design includes precision actuators and movers to keep the beam nearly centered in the BPMs at all times. These actuators, then provide the bulk of the position information, which only small corrections being provided by the BPMs themselves. One key aspect of this design is the ability to calibrate the straight-line reference line on a time scale which is comparable to the mechanical and electrical stability of the system. This straight-line reference can be derived by ramping the chicane magnets and either making measurements with zero field, or reversing the field polarity an making position measurements at positive and negative deflection angles. The details of this calibration procedure and requirements on the magnet system still need to be specified in detail.
The nanoBPM project has demonstrated RF BPM precision and stability below 50 nm for several hours [cite], although with somewhat reduced aperture as would be foreseen in the upstream spectrometer. Using this experience, designs for the spectrometer BPMs are currently being developed. It is important to investigate the sensitivity of these devices to the details of beam tilt, beam size, bunch length, backgrounds, etc. Beam tests of these devices are foreseen to begin at SLAC ESA in the end of 2005.
The downstream energy spectrometer is an evolution of the SLC WISRD design. A three-magnet chicane in the extraction line provides the necessary beam deflection, while the trajectory of the beam in the chicane is measured using synchrotron radiation produced in wiggler magnets imaged ~70 meters downstream at a secondary focus near the polarimeter chicane.
The layout of the instrumentation chicanes and detectors for both the energy spectrometer and polarimeter is indicated for 2 mRad and 20 mRad extraction lines. With a 3 mRad bend angle in the energy chicane and about 70 meters between the chicane and the synchrotron radiation detector plane, the effective single-beam dispersion at the detector plane is nearly 1 GeV/mm.
To achieve a 100 ppm accuracy, a position-sensitive detector for synchrotron radiation with a pitch of order 100 microns is necessary. While the WISRD used a fine wire array to achieve similar performance, the Oregon group (Torrence) is pursuing R&D into using the Cherenkov radiation produced by secondary electrons in quartz fibers. The advantages of this approach over wires are simplicity in readout, speed, radiation hardness, and potentially reduced cross-talk between channels. Any radiation hard position sensitive detector (like diamond strips) could potentially be used.
The immediate R&D required for the spectrometers is listed here:
For the longer term, a full-scale prototype of both a BPM-based and synchrotron radiation-based spectrometer are foreseen for SLAC ESA.
References need to be fixed.
Section updated September 30, 2005. Primary authors responsible for this section: W.Lohmann, M.Woods
The luminosity of a linear collider will be measured with a precision of 10-3 or better by measuring the Bhabha rate in the polar region from 30-90 mrad in the LUMICAL detector [Stahl_LCDET200504]. At 500 GeV center-of-mass energy, the expected rate in this region is ~10 Bhabhas per bunch train. At smaller polar angles of 5-30 mrad the rate or energy deposition of beamstrahlung e+e- pairs can be measured in the BEAMCAL detector for a fast luminosity diagnostic. The expected rate in BEAMCAL is 15,000 pairs (and 50 TeV energy deposition) per bunch crossing.
BEAMCAL is expected to be useful for machine tuning and can be used for the fast IP feedback [Burrows_LCWS05] planned to stabilize the colliding beams. In addition to its total energy or rate signals for a luminosity diagnostic, the spatial distributions of pairs in BEAMCAL may be useful for determining some of the beam collision parameters such as spotsizes and bunch lengths [White_Stahl_Yamamoto].
LumiCal and BeamCal are positioned inside the Detector just in front of the first quadrupole magnets.[Moenig_200408] LUMICAL is planned to be a segmented silicon-tungsten calorimeter. BEAMCAL must be very radiation hard and a finely segmented diamond-tungsten calorimeter is planned, though other technologies are also studied. BEAMCAL should also provide good hermeticity and efficiency for detecting high energy electrons; these are needed to suppress brackgrounds from copious 2-photon events in new particle searches (ex. SUSY). A possible layout of the very forward region of an ILC detector [Abramowicz_NSCI2004], in this case designed for head-on collisions or a small crossing angle, is shown in Figure 1.
Section updated September 30, 2005. Primary authors responsible for this section: K.C. Moffeit, K. Moenig, K.P. Schuler, M. Woods
Precise polarimetry with 0.25% accuracy is needed.[Moortgat-Pick_hep-ph0507011] Compton polarimeters are being designed to achieve this and have been included in the baseline beam delivery design.[Moffeit_SLACPUB11322,Meyners_LCWS05] Preliminary designs for polarimeter diagnostic chicanes are included upstream and downstream of the IP for both the 2mrad and 20mrad IR designs. Detailed studies are underway to refine these designs and evaluate their performance capabilities. To achieve the best accuracy for polarimetry and to aid in the alignment of the spin vector, it is desirable to implement polarimeters both upstream and downstream of the IR. The beam optics need to be designed such that the polarization vector can be fully longitudinal simultaneously at the collider IP and the two polarimeter IPs.
The upstream polarimeter measures the undisturbed beam during collisions. The relatively clean environment allows a laser system that measures every single bunch in the train and a large lever arm in analyzing power for a multi-channel polarimeter, which facilitates internal systematic checks.
The downstream polarimeter measures a priory the polarization of the outgoing beam after collision. The average depolarization for colliding beams is 0.3%, and for the outgoing beam 1%. Due to a clever choice of the extraction line optics the beam can, however, be focused such that its polarization is very similar to the luminosity-weighted polarization. The polarization of the undisturbed beam can be measured as well with non-colliding beams. The much higher background requires a high power laser that can only probe one or a few bunches per train and the lever arm in analyzing power is smaller.
The upstream polarimeters are located ~1400 meters before the e+e- IP. The design has evolved from an earlier study for the TESLA machine.[Gharibyan_LCDET200147] Most major aspects of this work, except for the spectrometer configuration, remain valid for the ILC. In particular it is foreseen to use a similar laser as will be used for the electron source. A prototype for such a laser was developed by Max-Born Institute,[Schreiber_NIM2000] for the TTF injector, and is well adapted to the ILC pulse structure.
Dedicated 4-magnet chicane spectrometers will be employed, similar to those at the extraction line polarimeters. This will eliminate some of the operational shortcomings inherent in the original TESLA design that relied on beamline magnets in the existing BDS lattice. A schematic layout of the chicane spectrometer is shown in Figure 1.The horizontal width of the good field region of the individual dipoles is chosen to accommodate a maximum dispersion of 11 cm for the lowest expected beam energy of 45.6 GeV for the Giga-Z option. The laser beam enters and exits between the inner two dipoles, which must be separated by some 8 meters for a vertical beam crossing of 10 mrad. A possible optical arrangement was given at LCWS-05.[Meyners_LCWS05]
Compton electrons generated at the laser IP at mid-chicane will propagate essentially along the electron beam direction . The third dipole D3 will fan out the Compton electron spectrum, while the fourth dipole can be used to restore the angular direction, if it has sufficient width. The Compton electrons are detected behind the last dipole in a gas Cerenkov hodoscope with 20 identical channels.[Meyners_LCWS05]
The layout for the 20 mrad crossing angle interaction region shown in Figure 2 has the Compton interaction point approximately 142 meters downstream from the e+e- Interaction Point. All bends are in the vertical plane. The extraction line apertures are designed to accommodate the ±0.75mrad cone of beamsstrahlung photons produced in the e+e- interaction and the low energy disrupted electrons. The 2 mrad crossing angle extraction line first moves the extracted beam away from the incoming beam line and then bends the beam back to the direction it had at the e+e- interaction point . This is done in the horizontal plane as shown in Figure 3. The Compton polarimeter is located 226 meters downstream from the 2 mrad crossing angle e+e- interaction point and the polarimeter chicane bends in the vertical plane.
The Compton interaction point is located at a secondary focus in the middle of a chicane with 20 mm dispersion, but with no net bend angle with respect to the primary IP.[Moffeit_SLACPUB10669] At the middle of the chicane the Compton scattering occurs and the scattered electron is confined to a cone having a half-angle of 2µrad and is effectively collinear with the initial electron direction. The beam-beam depolarization effects are measured in the extraction line polarimeter directly by comparing beams in and out of collision. Also, spin precession effects due to the final focus optics and beam-beam deflections can be studied by correlating the polarization and Interaction Point beam position monitor measurements.
A 532-nm (2.33eV) circularly polarized laser beam collides with the electron beam in the middle of the Polarimeter Chicane . Compton-scattered electrons near the kinematic edge at 25.1 GeV are detected in segmented detectors near the last chicane magnet.
R&D Required for Alternative Configuration
The group suggest that serious consideration be given to maintaining
multi-TeV compatibility. Present baseline layout, where linac points to larger
crossing angle IR, does not preclude upgrade to multi-TeV energy. This may be a
necessary but not sufficient condition. Other configuration issues need to be
studied seriously. For example, following curvature of the earth may have
an impact on multi-TeV upgradeability, and one may need to avoid vertical or
horizontal bends within about seven kilometer from the IP. There may be
additional constraints on tunnel sizes, depth, or location of beam dumps.
Orientation of linacs at angle widens the site, which could make it more
difficult to place the collider under straight power-line (may be partly
mitigated by horizontal back kinks at the middle of the linac). Technical
implications, cost impact, etc. (which may be site dependent) will be studied.
Give more details.
IR & IR magnets for 20 mrad and alternative 10-12mrad (partly
IR & IR magnets for 2 mrad and alternative 0mrad
switchyard (partly written)
Diagnostics section (partly written)
integration (DID, magnets, assembly, support, push-pull issues)
performance (Backgrounds)
Final focus optics (performance, chromaticity
compensation, antisolenoids, DID)
Magnets nomenclature, stability,
Standard components (BPMs, current monitors, loss monitors, vacuum, )
Tolerances & tuning
Gamma-gamma & e-e-
Summary of technical
risk, R&D needed for baseline & alternatives (partly
refs not used yet:
[X] WG4
Post-Snowmass Summary, draft.