First meeting of the ILD Detector Optimisation Working Group.
The charge of the WG is to:
"Investigate the dependence of the physics performance of the ILD
detector on basic parameters such as TPC radius and B-field. On
the basis of these studies and the understanding of any differences
observed the WG will make recommendations for the optimal choice of
parameters for the ILD detector."
Time: 1400 (Central Europe), 1300 (UK), 2200 (Japan), 0800 (Fermilab).
Please note the US is still on Daylight Savings time but Europe and
the UK are not.
The meeting will use webex - connection details are given below. Subscribers to the ild detector optimisation mailing list should automatically receive an email giving the details.
Convenors: Mark Thomson (
Tamaki Yoshioka (
The detector optimisation phone meetings will cover the development of software
tools and physics studies used to benchmark detector performance. We have set up a new mailing list for this work. To add yourself go to:
and select
Web-ex details:
Topic: ILD Detector Optmisation Meeting
Date: Wednesday, 31 October 2007
Time: 12:45, GMT Standard Time (GMT -00:00, London )
Meeting Number: 568 090 026
Meeting Password: quirrel
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The GLD Concept - status of the simulation and software15m
Akiya Miyamoto(KEK)
2:15 PM
2:30 PM
The LDC Concept - status of the simulation and software15m
Frank Gaede(DESY)
2:30 PM
2:55 PM
ILD Detector Optimisation Strategy25m
DrMark Thomson(University of Cambridge)
2:55 PM
3:10 PM
GLD Physics Analyses15m
DrTamaki Yoshioka(ICEPP, Univ. of Tokyo)
3:10 PM
3:20 PM
Optimisation Issues10m
DrVassily Morgunov(ITEP Moscow/DESY)
3:20 PM
3:40 PM
3:40 PM
3:41 PM
Next Meeting1m
The next meeting (14th November) will concentrate on the status of ongoing physics studies in the context of both LDC and GLD. If you would like to present a summary of a physics study at this meeting please email Mark and Tamaki.