Agenda and Summary:
1) Highlights and summary from Nanobeam 2005.
Animesh Jain, Tom Mattison, Brett Parker and Andrei Seryi presented highlights and gave summary of the recent Nanobeam 2005 workshop, which was held on October 17-21, 2005 in Uji Campus of Kyoto University.
The working groups directly related to Beam Delivery and IR were WG1 (Laser Wire), WG2a (BDS-design and interaction region), WG2b (Stabilization and beam control), WG2c (Future R&D Plans) and WG2d (Final Focus Q-magnet).
For the WG1 and laser wire design, we have not yet converged on assumptions for the method of laser wire signal detection -- whether to use scattered photons or electrons, if photons are used, then what is needed separation between the main beam and detector, and what is the achievable size of the laser wire, required accuracy of beam emittance measurements and consequently the required length of the diagnostics section. The laser wire size, in particular, ranges from 3microns to submicron. With the former the required length of the diagnostics may become quite long. Simulations of laser wire signal detection, and of the emittance measurements, will be performed.
Andrei reviewed the suggested ILC stability goals discussed at the plenary session and reviewed the summary of wg2a (BDS and IR). The suggested stability goals, in terms of the tunnel floor stability & add. component jitter are:
Linac: up to ground motion K or C and up to 30nm of component motion
BDS: up to gm B*3 or gm C/3 & up to 10nm
FD: up to ~100nm of additional motion
Among the highlights from wg2a are the complete design of optics and IR for 14mrad intermediate crossing angle, results of background simulations which show that same background as in 2mrad can be achieved; discussion of possibilities to upgrade single IR to two IRs; updates on 2mrad desig, crab cavity system and abort system; ideas on use of nonlinear collimation as well as critical self review of the existing IR designs.
The summary of wg2b (Stabilization and beam control) was reviewed by Animesh. The highlights of the meeting were results of ground motion studies at many sites, advances in simulations of ILC intra-train feedback and Integrated linac/BDS simulations, active stabilization studies with use of inertial and optical sensors, as well as results of hardware development for beam-feedback and for nanoBPMs.
Summary of wg2d (Magnets) were reviewed by Brett. Progress of developments of the compact and large superconducting magnets, permanent magnets, as well as thoughts on applications of high temperature superconductors were presented. The KEK-B IR region design experience was presented, as well as results of recent measurements of vibrations of the RHIC quadrupole.
Andrei Seryi, 10/26/05
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