To: Subject: WP phonemeeting #43 07.11.2007 - agenda Dear lctpc colleagues, The agenda for Wednesday's phonemeeting is at If you have something to present, you can upload the file to the above site by clicking on "manage" and using the password "wpmtg43". Repeating what I wrote yesterday, I have put the file with updated tasklist for the LP and LCTPC on the ilcagenda website for the meeting. There won't be time to go through the foils in detail during the phonemeeting (just highlights), so please look through it beforehand to see if I forgot something. Especially look at the last page, foil #24, whether one of the persons to take charge of an open task might be someone from your group. Greetings, Ron -------------------------------------------- Wednesday 07 November 2007 West Coast East Coast W.Europe Japan 06.30 09.30 15.30 23.30 To join, dial +494089981390, after a few seconds into an answer in German, type the code number 52872# (LCTPC#). Issues for the agenda ----------------------- 1. News. 2. LP task list. (The presentation I couldn't give at Fermilab due to lack of time.) 3. LP endcap and fieldcage. (Dan, Peter, Ralf and maybe others have a discussion going on details of the LP1 design. Hopefully they can resolve them by the phonemeeting.) 4. LP cosmic trigger. 5. AOB