------------------ From Takehsi: A short summary of the phone meeting (Nov.12, 2007) on the cosmic trigger counter: Attendants: Paul, Yuri and TM (1) Paul has sent you the status at Saclay. I here attach his mail below. (2) Yuri told us that because of a technical issue at his factory in Russia, he decided to start with the production (the extrusion) of the scintillator slabs of 167mm wide instead of 175mm. The production of the slabs of 167mm wide for T2K will continue for 3-4 months from December. The production of the slabs of 175mm wide will start only after that. To obtain the scintillator slabs in an early time, we decided to use the ones of 167mm wide for our trigger counter. We judged that the impact to our layout of the counter is manageable. We need to redraw the configuration of the cosmic trigger counter. (3) Yuri needs and plans to interrupt the machining of the slabs for the S-shape fiber for T2K to insert the machining of the slabs for the U-shape fiber for us. It may take 10 days to 2 weeks including necessary change of the machine setting (software). There will be also some additional cost to prepare and change the machine software. Depending on when he can find the slot, the delivery of the finished scintillator slabs with the U-shape fiber may take place in late January or even in early February. (4) As for the design of the U-shape fiber routing, Yuri will send his idea/a simple drawing to Paul tomorrow (on 13th). Then Paul will make a final drawing at Saclay and send it back to Yuri in a proper format for the programming of the machine. (5) To test the MPPC with a scintillator counter with fiber at Saclay, Yuri will find a small test counter with fiber, and arrange to carry it to Saclay as early as possible. (6) Yuri is waiting his director to come back to ask his signature on the MOU. (7) TM has sent the 40 modified photo-couplers (the male part) to Yuri via a standard air mail about a week ago. Yuri has not received them yet. (8) We will have next phone meeting in the beginning of December. The date and time will be decided according to your convenience. I will send you a mail of inquiry at the end of next week. We did not discuss the number of the scintillator slabs we order in this phone meeting, but I assume that there is no change in the number we decided before. ----------------- From Paul: We gathered the material for first tests with MPPC and prepare a test box. I got lots of information from present users in Japan (Y. Kato, H. Kuroiwa, people from IPNS R&D) and we are ready to start using these advices. J.M Reymond found one person in his detector integration lab to help us. Yuri sent me a drawing of the slab right after last Monday cosmic trigger meeting. I discussed with him and agreed with him on his original drawing. I proposed to get it redrawn in the format he would like, but he told me that it is not necessary, so I think the groove manufacturing is ready. I will to get in touch with xavier.janssen@ulb.ac.be about the trigger logic and monitoring.