BDS Beam Instrumentation

Philip Burrows (Oxford U.)
This is a kickoff meeting for a regular series of BDS BI meetings. We will start with an introduction by Phil, including input & direction from Andrei Seryi and EDR Project Management. We will then review status of the spotsize and transverse emittance work package. Meeting time is 0600: SLAC 0800: Fermilab 1400: UK 2300: KEK Webex connection info in attached link
BDS BI Talk at Oct07 GDE Meeting
Lumpkin ODR talk at Oct07 GDE Meeting
Webex connection info
    • 06:00 06:20
      Overview of BDS Instrumentation WPs and plans for meetings 20m
      Speaker: Philip Burrows (Oxford U.)
    • 06:20 07:00
      Overview of laserwire technique, R&D status, EDR plans 40m
      Speakers: Grahame Blair (RHUL), Stewart Boogert (RHUL)
    • 07:00 07:20
      Overview of lattice design and emittance measurement requirements 20m
      Speakers: Deepa Angal-Kalinin (Daresbury), Mark Woodley (SLAC)
    • 07:20 07:40
      Alternative techniques – ODR, OTR 20m
      Speaker: Pavel Karataev (RHUL)
    • 07:40 08:20
      Discussion and Meeting summary (posted Dec. 9) 40m
      Speaker: All
      Meeting summary notes / action items