Technical coordinators Should they collect engineering studies of each detector ? What is the integration task ? - structure of sub-detector - support structure Iwashita, permanent QD0 ATF2 50mm dis - ILC 20mm dia. physical 24mm extraction 用hole 14mr 4m 56mm 50 70mm from the beam line non-magnetic device at ILC QD0 dipole, SD0 SQ, to talk to Brett at Sendai 1mm adjustment for push-pull anti-solenoid 200kN 5 ring for partial anti-solenoid optics needs anti-solenoid beam への影響 axial u =1.05 28トン - 11トン(irn shield) = 12トン→ 1トン (iron shieldを長くした) anti-solenoid in/out the support tube Q ; iron shield thickness A ; 6cm程度(コイルと合わせて10cm) Q : iron shieldとanti-solとのconnect? Q : anti-solenoid is needed for the optics ? Q : iron shieldはanti-solenoidの磁場を吸収してしまう A : anti-solenoidはironがsaturationしないようにするもの C : anti-solenoid - coupling correctionを助けるもの   how much is difficult issues A : Brett scheme , LCWS2007, DESY 62 ton →  double coil Suetsugu, wakefield of beam pipe loss factor 4 x 10^13 v,s, 4 x 10^14 simple geometry step - in/out Mafia cal. in -3.8 x 10^10 - small out 7.4 x 10-12 - formulas 7.8 x 10-12 xubtraction method 7 x 10^12 ( Lc > 2m ) 式 分母=2 山本氏 = 4 long taper no radiation , so 分母=4 cone loss factor mesh size 0.2mm in = out = 1 x 10^14 Q : in aとbの間の角?  exponential形状では? A : 試してみる Q : ゲインは計算精度誤差か? A : 違う Kawai 1/4 model GLD 12 角形  3d 磁場解析 8000A, 2.0167 x 10^7 A/turn 2.8T 中心部分の3d 磁場分布  東北大  Q :mesh size A : 0.1m, 0.5m 鉄 計算機で制限 Q : 2dとの違い、電流密度を上げたとき? A Q : 鉄 12 角形、空気 シリンダー Q : computer power ? A : memory 4 G, mesh 4時間, 32 bit 解析 1h Q : 3/5 2h introduction MDI/Integ WG status report optimization cost WD 3/6 2h tools software, engineering tools ( CAD, 3/7 ILD design - tracker support integration, global shape 8 or 12 - optional detectors