15–20 Nov 2008
University of Illinois - Chicago
US/Central timezone
Thank you for attending LCWS08. Travel Safely.


SiD Design Study Meeting

15 Nov 2008, 13:00
University of Illinois - Chicago

University of Illinois - Chicago


The SiD Design Study will meet prior to LCWS08 to review progress on PFA, tracking, simulation and reconstruction and engineering and benchmarking. Progress toward the LOI will also be discussed, and next steps presented.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Harry Weerts (ANL)
15/11/2008, 13:00
Ron Cassell (SLAC)
15/11/2008, 13:10
Rich Partridge (Brown/SLAC)
15/11/2008, 13:40
Kurt Krempetz (Fermilab)
15/11/2008, 14:40
Tim Barklow (SLAC)
15/11/2008, 15:40
Phil Burrows (U Oxford)
15/11/2008, 16:10
Andy White (UTA), Henry Band (U Wisconsin), Kurt Krempetz (Fermilab), Marcel Demarteau (Fermilab), Takashi Maruyama (SLAC), Tim Barklow (SLAC)
15/11/2008, 16:30
Andy White (UTA)
15/11/2008, 17:30
John Jaros (SLAC)
15/11/2008, 17:50
Building timetable...