Summary of SLAC-KEK collaboration meeting, 27-28 March 2008
Extraction re-configuration and schedule for installation
- The re-organization and modification of extraction line will be completed by end of July, which includes;
- All the magnets will be aligned.
- After the movement of two extraction kickers, we need to check the HV-system probably in July.
- Power cables, cooling pipes and trays were installed at ATF2 beam line.
- Beam bump will be completed in this week, by 28 March.
- The company people are available for the works on movement, installation and cabling etc. . They have been working on cabling at ATF2 beam line in parallel to ATF operation.
- Thickness of ceiling concrete is 0.5m except for LW area and beam dump where it is 1.0m. The laser hut is put on the 1m ceiling.
- There are two cooling water systems at ATF2 beam line, whose temperature are 25±2 and 30±0.1 degree-C.
The 25 and 30 degree-C systems can be used for air-conditioning and magnets, respectively. There are 6 pipes including 2 spares, where 2 pipes for IN and OUT flows.
- The HA-PS system will be put in a room with air-conditioning.
- There are independent ground lines with class-1 in the assembly hall, while there is no new line.
- The nBPM triplet will be transported back to SLAC. It is only the carbon-fiber frame without BPMs. At present, there is no future plan to use the triplet. Dough will prepare the shipment during his visit. Important issue is as follows; materials must be the same as those in the document of importation.
- Stewart may come to KEK in May for QBPM electronics. LW group will come to KEK in early June for movement, installation . Doug will ask Stewart for his trip plan.
- Magnet movers : Pins and connectors have been ordered by Terunuma. Since some cables are damaged because of re-used ones, they will be checked.
- QBPM : all the DC and IF cables will be come to SLAC by end of this week, 28 March 2008. The timing signals are the same ones which have been used. A clock is needed with the frequency of 714MHz.
Donation issue of HA-PS system
- Jim sent the application to a local DOE person in last Friday. The person will send the application to DOE in Oak Ridge. We will receive the answer within one or two weeks. There are two issues to be reviewed, which are (1)new equipment and (2) no agreement between governments .
- In case of no-donamtion, tax (5% of invoice-price) must be paid before the transportation by company.
- Jim already wrote the annex for donation in the ATF-MOU, but it needs the DOE agreement.
- If we do not receive any approval of the donation by middle of April, the HA-PS system ( about 400k$) should be sent to KEK by end of April. In this case, KEK will pay the tax.
If SLAC decides the donation after the transportation, KEK will accept it. Possibility of refunding the tax will be checked at KEK.
Trip schedule of Briant and Doug
- Briant will visit to KEK twice, i.e. 5/26 - 6/7- 9 and in October.
- Doug will visit to KEK in May after Golden week to 6/7-9 for about 4 weeks.
Flight simulator
Since G.White is absent at SLAC, S.Molloy explained the demonstration plan at KEK.
- As a common data base for the optics, AML (Accelerator Markup Language) file was suggested. Its structure is similar to HTML. There is an interface to MAD.
- While the simulator assumes EPICS devices at beam line, there is no such device except for one FFTB mover at present ATF extraction line.
- The security issue is more restrict than what is assumed in the simulator. Any software control is not allowed for switching modes to real machine. This is essential to prevent "unexpected" access to real machine from EPICS.
- We will discuss it over the phone meeting when Glen will be available.
FD status
- All dowel pins and holes will be re-made by next Wednesday, 2nd April. They can secure the reproducibility of assembling the pole tips.
- The pole-side shims have been shortened by 1cm in order to set a gauge block for measuring gap between the pole tips. The gap distances must be corrected within ±10μm, while the present one is 17.8μm.
- The sextupole component has been measured to be sextupole/quad=0.013% at 1cm. There is also significant skew sextupole. G.Whilte showed that these effect can be corrected by rolling the QF1 on the mover.
- There are 8 water circuits in QC3, i.e. 2 in each coil. Nominal current of QD0 is 132.1A, while it can be operate at 220A. Temperature rise is 1.3 degree-C at 150A and it is 1.8 degree-C even at 220A, where the water flow rate is 2.5gpm (3.8 liters/min or 63.1cc/sec) total in 8 water circuits.
- KEK requested that a list of preferable water-pressure is needed in April.
S-band BPM support at FD system
- S-band BPMs have beam pipes with asymmetric lengths, where longer one goes through magnet. The quadrupole type has 785mm total length and the sexupole type has 380 mm. The beam pipe is made of copper with inner diameter of 40mm and the thickness of 4mm. The outer diameter is 48mm because the inner bore diameter of quadrupole magnet is 50mm. The flange could be CF114 (SUS) .
- The shimmed QC3s may be de-assembled for installation of S-band BPMs at LAPP. The S-band BPMs will be completed by end of June as we have discussed at the KNU-KEK collaboration meeting.
- For QD0 and QF1, the BPMs are set on the pole tips with adapter whose outer diameter must be less than 10cm. Also, additional support is necessary for holding the weight, where we can use tapped M12 holes on end face of magnet. SLAC will provide the detailed drawing including coils.
- Following issues must be addressed by the support designer, in consultation with Spencer & Amann at SLAC and KNU BPM designers.
- When S-BPM is installed, magnet must be split in two halves. When re-assembled, need to check poletip closest approach and bore dimensions to ensure v. small multipoles.
- How to do this when S-BPM blocks access to poletips at one end?
- How to keep the S-BPM in the center of the magnet bore?
- The BPM beampipe is smaller than the bore.
- How to finely align S-BPM to magnetic center of quad?
- How to secure adapter to S-BPM? (Set screws, screws or holes in S-BPM body.)
- Mechanical center of sensor-cavity can be known from two X and Y planes of "CENTER_FRAME" with accuracy of 5 μm.
- There is an issue, i.e. how to fix the position in longitudinal direction since the mover has no folding along the beam line? 1mm-movement will be OK, but 0.5cm must be trouble.
- LAPP will test the movement.
A.Jeremie (LAPP) replied on 1 April as "I tried to push the sextupole on it's mover to see if the V-plate can slide along the beam-line: in fact it was very easy to move the V-plate. The movement is 2 to 2.5mm."
- A cold model of S-band BPM will be sent to LAPP from KNU within a few weeks in order to design supports at quadrupole and sextupole magnets in the FD system. The cold model has 5cm long beam pipes with flanges of 6.3inch diameter. KNU accepted that the flanges and beam pipes are cut for this purpose.
- LAPP will transport the FD system to KEK by end of August. The FD system is expected to be fully checked out.
- D.Urner asked for 3D-CAD drawings of any components in the FD system since Oxford-Monalisa group is investigating a 3D-CAD model of the FD system.
Long term plan
- A.Jeremie for FD-table :
- B.Bolzon ( LAPP) will stay at KEK for a year, who will work with P.Bambade and Y.Renier at KEK.
- A.Jeremie and B.Bolzon will visit to KEK in September or October for final adjustment of FD table.
- M.Ross for commissioning :
- We need to organize a commissioning team in order to achieve the target beam size by 2010. The team will develop beam tuning tools and find the mostly needed ones for minimizing beam size.
- We need commissioning plans of software for BPMs and movers, test them in last beam run at present extraction line. S.Boogert must be there.
- We should have regular commissioning meetings.
- J.Urakawa for commissioning plan :
- ATF operational meeting is held in every Friday, which can be extended to include commissioning process.
- First goal is a transportation of beam to beam dump without beam loss by end of 2008 fro the radiation safety issue.
- Step by step plan is important in the commissioning;
- first pulse calibration with BPMs and movers
- software/hardware check in terms of resources, where Stewart, Glen, Janice, Terunuma and Araki are expected to contribute.
- tuning plan
- meeting plan
- Namobeam08, 25-30 May, where a global schedule will be discussed
- weekly meeting, Wednesday and Friday for the commissioning plan which will be coordinated by S.Kuroda and T.Okugi.
- 6th TB/SGC meeting in May with Webex system
- a face-to-face meetings at KEK in the commissioning time
- ICB meeting in Fermilab in November, to discuss a long-term plan of ATF and ATF2
- ATF2 project meeting in December
- Visiting plan to KEK will be coordinated. At present, K.Kubo arranges a ATF operational plan which can be extended to schedule plan including the commissioning.
- Detailed schedule to be coordinated:
- N.Terunuma is planning a detailed schedule for a few months as;
- alignment of magnets at present extraction line in this week, by 28 March
- movement/re-power/check of the extraction kicker after ATF operation and LW system, in June
- one or two weeks will be needed for beam to the dump
- two weeks will be needed for alignment of extraction and a new ATF2 beam line
- LW group : The laser system will be tested in this summer. In November, they will commission one LW system.
- FONT group : The group has proposed a plan ( see ATF2-FONT meeting, 28 April, ). There is no contradiction with the reorganization of ATF extraction line and the ATF2 commissioning.
- Shintake monitor group :there are two students ( M2 ), who work on the gamma-detector and optics for Master thesis.
- KNU group : One student and a post doc will visit to KEK for commissioning S-band BPM system.
- BPM system, movers and wire scanners, where the IP carbon wire scanner detector will be common with the Shintake one (?).
- Monalisa group : the scaffold system will be installed in this summer and the optics will be installed in April, 2009.
- French group : emittance studies at extraction line and DR. Maria is a graduate student for doctor thesis.
- Fast ion study in DR: half shift per a week providing high intensity and small emittance.
- Performance studies of Ring BPMs : Manfred and Eliana will contribute.
- Fast kicker : Naito installed a new kicker in the south straight section. A new septum to be constructed in this summer and be installed.
- Fast kicker study and ATF2 commissioning will be de-coupled. The fast kicker needs R&Ds for 2 years at least.
The kicker will be tested for extraction at the last run in this year or first operation in January 2009.
- Emittance tuning in DR : beam time in next runs after the alignment at the west arc section, then re-alignment of DR in this summer.
- Compton group ( Japanese and French ) : laser cavity has been tested in DR and requires a few shifts per a week.
In April 2009, LAL will install 4-mirror cavity system in the north straight section.
- ATF2 beam commissioning : extract beam in the new ATF2 beam line to the dump.
- Future plan
- Test of super-Q prototype as well as permanent magnets
- We may use a stand alone cryogenics system which is commercially available.
- Gamma-gamma R&Ds