
SLAC Technology Transfer Department is working for donation ( in-kind contribution) as specified in the MOU Annex , while it is subjecting DOE approval.

Schedule for Doug and Briant's trips to KEK in May

The MAXIMUM "wish list" for duration is for them to be at KEK from May 10th to June 4.

Doug's work would include:

  1. Hardware checkout for Magnet mover, carbon wire scanner and QBPM electronics systems.
  2. Software checkout for the QBPM electronics.
  3. Cable removal prior to the reconstruction of the ATF extraction line. (Work according to list below need to be done by KEK colleagues before the trip).

Briant's work would include:

  1. Install power supplies.
  2. Test and tune available systems.
  3. Provide training.
However, it seems that this DURATION is DIFFICULT for us. From your point of view, what is the minimum reasonable durations for Doug and Briant trips? (Duration does not need to be the same). And what are the optimal start dates?

Urakawa's quick reply :

Schedule for April through October

  1. Installation at ATF2
    - 3 Bends, 3 sextupoles, BSM, HA-PS, FD-system, Monalisa (scaffolding structure), laser-huts, vacuum, utilities etc.
  2. Cabling and commissioning of sub-systems at ATF2
  3. Re-configuration for June through October
    - LW, Bends, magnets/tables, monitors, EXT kickers, nano-BPMs, vacuum, cables etc.
    - Beam line survey
  4. ATF control system
  5. Radiation safety system

Flight simulator (FS)

Realistic modeling beam line as follows;

S-band BPMs

Webex meeting
  1. Reference planes for alignment
    - Drawings by KNU
  2. Support at QD0 and QF1
  3. Support at SD0 and SF1
  4. beam pipe : copper of I/OD=40-48mm and length, flange specification (CF70, SUS ?)
  5. Email 3D-CAD drawings from KNU to LAPP : when
  6. Transportation of cold model from KNU to LAPP : when
  7. A reference cavity : production by KNU, location and support
  8. 4 downmix boxes (UK) on the LAPP table
  9. LO preparation and electrical center measurement at KEK

FD system

Webex meeting
  1. Transportation of 2 shimmed QC3s from SLAC to LAPP : when
    - status of shimmed QC3s
  2. Transportation of cooling pipes from SLAC to LAPP : when
  3. Transportation of 2 sextupoles from KEK to LAPP : when
  4. Design and production of S-band BPM supports at LAPP : when
  5. Transportation of FD system from LAPP to KEK : when

Carbon wire scanner

  1. Wires sizes and angles for the vertical scanner
    - Carbon wire of 7μm is fine ( S.Kuroda and T.Okugi)
    - OK for wire angles machined for flat beams? May have to remake cards. But there is no money for that?
  2. Size and type of wires for 45deg. scanner
    - Carbon wire of 7μm should be fine?
  3. Control of scanner motion

HA Power Supply System

  1. Status of hardwares at SLAC
    - Requests from SLAC to KEK ?
  2. Electric documentation in ATF control system for evaluation of HA-PS properties such as failure rate and cause, time and method of replacement and repair as well as the current values and the set points.