Akira Yamamoto
(High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)),
Carlo Pagani
(INFN Milano LASA),
S. Noguchi,
T. Saeki
22/04/2008, 09:00
-Lorentz detuning, and discussions
-Ball-screw-tuner test results (for LL cavity)
-Blade-tuner (update) and/or any others status/proposal?
-Reliability of the motor and the Maintenability
Hitoshi Hayano
22/04/2008, 10:45
S. Prat, S. Noguhi, E. Kako, C. Adolphsen, Led by H. Hayano
22/04/2008, 13:00
-XFEL coupler: industrial assessment, and industrialization
-Fixed/variable coupler : cost difference
: technical issues
-Requirements from RF power distribution system in view of MLI
-Discussions on coupler specification and interface
S.Mishra,M. Champion, N. Ouchi, D. Mitchell, L.Lilje
22/04/2008, 17:00
-S1 plan at FNAL
-S1-global plan
- Work required at KEK and global assembly (technical feasibility)
- Cooperation with FNAL / Cooperation with DESY