26–28 Aug 2008
Uppsala University
Europe/Zurich timezone


Work Package

27 Aug 2008, 13:30
Uppsala University

Uppsala University


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Presentation materials

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Dr Grahame Blair (Royal Holloway)
27/08/2008, 13:30
Dr Stewart Boogert (Royal Holloway, University of London)
27/08/2008, 13:45
Arnaud Ferrari (Uppsala University)
27/08/2008, 14:05
Jonathan Sladen
27/08/2008, 14:25
Wolfgang Lohmann (DESY)
27/08/2008, 14:45
Lars Soby
27/08/2008, 15:05
Alessandro D'Elia
27/08/2008, 15:25
Prof. fabian zomer (université Paris sud CNRS)
27/08/2008, 15:40
Dr Oleg Malyshev (ASTeC, STFC Daresbury Laboratory, UK)
27/08/2008, 16:15
Theo Demma (INFN-LNF)
27/08/2008, 16:35
Guoxing Xia (Max Planck Institute Munich)
27/08/2008, 16:55
Fabio Marcellini (INFN LNF)
27/08/2008, 17:15
Mr James Jones (ASTeC, STFC Daresbury Laboratory)
27/08/2008, 17:35
Building timetable...