ATF Extraction Line Meeting

Salle Verte (LAL)

Salle Verte


Philip Bambade (Laboratoire de l''Accelerateur Lineaire (LAL) (IN2P3) (LAL))
Continue the review of results and analyses following the shift periods at KEK in December and March- what is the consistency between the different measurements ? Discuss the beam time request for the next shift period in May.
    • 16:10 16:30
      Updated coupling study-2 from 12 March 08 measurements 20m
      Speaker: Dr Cecile Rimbault (LAL)
    • 16:30 16:50
      Emittance growth studies using static bumps in the ATF EXT line 20m
      Speaker: Maria del Carmen Alabau (IFIC (Valencia) - LAL (Orsay))
    • 16:50 17:10
      Fitted Twiss Errors 20m
      Speaker: Anthony Scarfe, University of Manchester and Cockcroft Institute
    • 17:10 17:30
      ATF EXT optics analysis 20m
      Speaker: Dr Rob Appleby (University of Manchester/Cockcroft Institute)
    • 17:30 17:50
      Fitting BPMs in ATF EXT to analyse the actual strength of QM7 20m
      Speaker: Mark Woodley (SLAC)
      I have uploaded 3 files: - QM7RbumpEXT is my primary report - 20080424ShiftReport contains analysis of data taken on April 24 - ATFORMAnalysis.pdf is a preliminary version of Andy Wolski's report the analysis of Orbit Response Matrix data taken by Kubo-san on April 3
    • 17:50 18:10
      24 april 2008 quad scan shift 20m
      Speaker: Dr Cecile Rimbault (LAL)
    • 18:10 18:30
      Planning for bumps and emittance measurements in May’08 20m
      Speaker: Maria del Carmen Alabau (IFIC (Valencia) - LAL (Orsay))
    • 18:30 18:50
      Flight Simulator Progress and Test Plans 20m
      Speakers: Dr Glen White (SLAC), Mr Yves Renier (LAL)