From Wed May 28 08:39:21 2008 Date: Wed, 28 May 2008 08:39:03 +0200 (CEST) From: Ronald Dean Settles To: Jan Timmermans Subject: Short summary of phonemeeting 21052008 Hi Jan, Here is a short summary of the meeting. Cheers, Ron ---------------------------------------------- Short Summary ----------------------------------------------------------- WP#57 21/05/2008 --------------------- Wednesday 21 May 2008 West Coast East Coast W.Europe Japan 07.00 10.00 16.00 23.00 Agenda ----------------------- 1. News 2. LP cosmic trigger 3. LP fieldcage, endcap/panels, laser etc - Dan's URL: 4. Electronics 5. AOB Present: -David Attie -Ties Behnke -Paul Colas -Madhu Dixit -Jochen Kaminski -Sasha Kaukher -Alexei Lebedev -Jean-Pierre Martin -Takeshi Matsuda -Dan Peterson -Peter Schade -Olivwe Schaefer -Ron Settles -Akira Sugiyama -Steven Turnbill Excused: -Jan Timmermans --Anybody forgotten? Summary ----------------------- 0. Slides are at the agenda site: 1. News. -Ron chaired this meeting since Jan just had test-beam duties at CERN today. -See the agdena site for upcoming meetings. It was decided to have the next WP phonemeeting in 2 weeks from today. Topics for the LCTPC meeting and the Jan's tracking session in Warsaw are requested. -Ties reported that the Si detectors will not be ready until late fall. RS said that there will still be plenty of trouble-shooting to do at the start of commissioning. 2. LP cosmic trigger. -Paul reported that the trigger preparations at Saclay and on the preparationfor the Micromegas panels for the LP; see the slides at the agenda site. The handling tool for mounting was devised in agreement with Akira. 3. LP laser, endcap and fieldcage. Laser: ----- -Alexei will exchange information offline with Peter about mirror-bundle+shielding mounting. Endcap: ------- -Dan reported that production is proceeding well, see Dan will test each endplate panel-position with dummies, and this may delay delivery to the groups by a couple of weeks. Dan will provide the o-rings. Fieldcage: ---------- -Peter showed slides on the fieldcage production (see the agenda site). In answer to a question by Dan, the mandrel is collapsable. -Alexei reported that Howard Wieman reminded that the resistor chains must be shielded to the driftvolume. 4. LP1 electronics. -Leif updated the financial situation on the agenda site. We are going for the 10000 Channels, and money from Desy will probably cover the missing funds from Carleton. Sasha said that Rostock may have additional funds also. Leif will contact Lucie (Linsen) to organize the CERN involvement. -Leif showed the fruits of the trouble shooting of the new electronics: Plot 1 on the agenda site gives the situation after the meeting a few weeks ago, and plot 2 is the situation now; the improvement is impressive. Plot 3 shows signals from Lund's small test TPC. 5. AOB. -Dan requested that the NSF be acknowledged on the IEEE contributions. -Next meeting: WP58 phonemeeting 4 June 2008