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 From:   Klaus Dehmelt []  Sent:   Fri 5/16/2008 9:20 AM
 To:   Jan Timmermans; Jan Timmermans;; Dean Karlen; Takeshi Matsuda; Ties Behnke
 Subject:   Absence
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Dear colleagues,

I will be absent for the next three weeks and after that I will be in
Warsaw for the ECFA meeting. So I wanted to give you a quick overview
about what is going on here at DESY.
We have started producing the field-cage. The field-strip foil is placed,
stretched and aligned to our needs on the mandrel, which has been
corrected by now to its final design. The next steps will be that the
different layers will be laminated by the company Haindl. We expect that
all this will be finished by the end of end of May / beginning of June. It
will then be shipped to DESY where we will carefully inspect the FC. After
that we can start performing the first tests, like HV- and gas-tests. For
that we will have end-caps made out of GRP and cathodes. The cathodes are
ready and need to be coated with a thin layer of Cu. On one of these
cathodes we will try to implement already the pattern for the
photo-electron setup from Dean.
The support-structure for the LP in the PCMAG is on the way. The planning
and drawings have been finalized so far and our work preparation
department is now checking for the production process, i.e. who will
produce it, how much it will cost, how long it will take, etc.
Unfortunately, our SiLC colleagues will step out of our project for the
first setup with the trigger hodoscope. They will not manage to produce
the needed support structure for the Si modules since we couldn't provide
them with our final drawings of our support structure until the last days.
However, they are confident to produce their support structure now for the
testbeam setup.
This is what came to my mind so far. When I'll be back at DESY we will be
pushing towards the finalization for the integration of the TPC into the
magnet and start the commissioning of the LP as well as the trigger

Best regards,


Klaus Dehmelt
Notkestr.85, D-22607 Hamburg, Germany
phone : +49 40 8998 5348
Bldg 1d, Rm 29c