8–10 Sept 2008
University of Manchester, Blackett lecture theatre
Europe/London timezone


Mechanics and Assembling

9 Sept 2008, 10:40
University of Manchester, Blackett lecture theatre

University of Manchester, Blackett lecture theatre

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Roman Poeschl (LAL)
09/09/2008, 10:40
Marc Anduze (LLR)
09/09/2008, 10:55
Dr Remi Jean Noel Cornat (LLR/IN2P3/CNRS)
09/09/2008, 11:10
Aboud Falou (LAL)
09/09/2008, 11:25
Denis Grondin (LPSC)
09/09/2008, 11:45
David Bailey (U. Manchester)
09/09/2008, 12:05
Maurice Goodrick (U. Cambridge)
09/09/2008, 12:20
Building timetable...