8–10 Sept 2008
University of Manchester, Blackett lecture theatre
Europe/London timezone


Electronics readout session II

9 Sept 2008, 16:00
University of Manchester, Blackett lecture theatre

University of Manchester, Blackett lecture theatre

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Mr Mathias Reinecke (DESY)
09/09/2008, 16:00
Franck Gastaldi (LLR Ecole Polytechnique)
09/09/2008, 16:20
Matthew Warren (Departm.of Physics and Astronomy Univ.Coll.London - University C)
09/09/2008, 16:35
Valeria Bartsch (University College London)
09/09/2008, 16:55
Tao Wu (Royal Holloway College - University of London)
09/09/2008, 17:15
09/09/2008, 17:35
Building timetable...