8–10 Sept 2008
University of Manchester, Blackett lecture theatre
Europe/London timezone


Test beam status and plan (CERN, FNAL)

8 Sept 2008, 09:30
University of Manchester, Blackett lecture theatre

University of Manchester, Blackett lecture theatre

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Andrea del Rocio Vargas Trevino (DESY)
08/09/2008, 09:30
Cahtherine Adloff (LAPP-IN2P3/CNRS/Univ. Savoie)
08/09/2008, 09:50
Mr imad laktineh (ipnl)
08/09/2008, 10:05
Dr Vincent Boudry (LLR, Ecole polytechnique)
08/09/2008, 10:25
Dr Christophe de LA TAILLE (OMEGA/IN2P3)
08/09/2008, 11:30
Building timetable...