8–10 Sept 2008
University of Manchester, Blackett lecture theatre
Europe/London timezone


Software session I - Status reports

9 Sept 2008, 08:30
University of Manchester, Blackett lecture theatre

University of Manchester, Blackett lecture theatre

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Fabrizio Salvatore (Royal Holloway - University of London)
09/09/2008, 08:30
Paul Dominic Dauncey (Blackett Lab.High Energy Phys.Group - Imperial College - Univers)
09/09/2008, 08:50
Roman Poeschl (LAL)
09/09/2008, 09:10
Dr Niels Meyer (DESY)
09/09/2008, 09:30
Vishnu Vikhyat Zutshi (Northern Illinois University)
09/09/2008, 09:50
Dr Niels Meyer (DESY), Dr Shaojun Lu (MPI Munich)
09/09/2008, 10:10
Building timetable...